Part 48

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8 Weeks Later

Molly's P.O.V

I sat up in bed carefully removing his arms from me, quiet snores escaped Harry's mouth and I smiled at the sight.

My stomach churned and I knew what was coming, this had been happening every other day or close to every other day. Harry would usually wake up and carry me back to bed as I was too weak to walk after or I would sit their for a few minutes until I could myself.

I quickly ducked into our bathroom before I found myself heaving over the toilet like every other morning before, I tried to control my breathing throughout it all but it was nearly impossible.

The doctor told me the morning sickness wouldn't last much longer and it should stop by 16-17 weeks. I was now 14, and I am counting the days until this is over.

I tried to get up as I felt the feeling come over me again and I heaved my chest up and down as I emptied the contents of my stomach. My throat burned and my stomach cramped up in pain.  My coughs grew louder as if they were desperate to escape. I heard shuffling before the bathroom door swung open in a hurry.

"Ha- Harr-" I gasped. "Harry" I said finally.

"SHHH" He said loudly grabbing my hair. My stomach finally settled and I felt light headed. I leaned back and Harry caught me as he switched positions so we was sitting on the floor with outstretched legs. He cradled my upper body across his lap and my head was held against his chest. My feet settled against the cold tile and I shook uncontrollably from nerves and feeling dizzy.

"I got you." His voice soothing as his hand rubbed my head. Soon enough I felt the cold sweats coming and I knew Harry felt my body go cold and shake slightly more.

"Molly?" He asked and I could barely hear him, I lifted my head up slightly to look at him. "You don't look so good" He said bringing his hand to my forehead. He moved quickly picking me up bringing me to the bed.

He spoke into his phone stressfully and quickly before returning to my side now fully dressed with a shirt.

"Harry?" I said whispering trying to not close my eyes, still shaking.

"Yeah- yeah, I'm right here." He said smoothing my hair and I knew he was tearing up. "You're okay." He said louder sniffling.

"Just stay awake." He said looking into my eyes. "Just look at me Molls." He said and I saw tears escape his eyes. I slowly nodded my head when he joined me bringing me up to his chest again as he sat on the edge of the bed.

A few moments later I was being lifted from his grasp and panicked slightly before I felt his hand on my leg momentarily. The early morning light outside was so bright as they put me in the ambulance. Harry's fingers intertwined with mine and I turned my head slightly to look at him. Tears fell from his eyes as he tried to wipe them away. The image of him became blurrier and blurrier and my body shook violently.  I tried to keep my eyes open but soon all I saw was black and the feeling of Harry's fingers and hand on mine soon went away too.

Harry's P.O.V

4:30 PM

Her hands felt cold in mine as I stared at her lifeless figure. I sighed, letting go of her hand dropping my head into my hands running my fingers through my hair. The hospital lights were so bright it practically gave me headache the 8 hours I had been here. My thoughts were stopped by a subtle knock before Louis entered looking from her to me. His face drained and emotionless as I stood and stood beside him re-opening the door stepping out.

"What the hell happened?" He said just as upset as I. I shrugged, not having the energy to talk but, then again, it was Louis.

"I woke up this morning and she had morning sickness again, she wasn't wheezing. They said she wasn't getting enough oxygen to allow blood vessels to open, Louis." I said pausing. "I've never seen her that sick in the morning, they diagnosed her with Preeclampsia" I said looking away.

"It's something that affect the whole pregnancy, if she gets up to fast, dehydrated..." I trailed off "She could so easily just pass out." We both stood there in silence.

"Louis?" I said quietly.


"I'm so scared." Tears falling from my eyes.

"Harry-" Louis said engulfing me in a hug. I broke down in Louis' arms.  I couldn't be strong for her anymore.  I couldn't carry her to her bed, or stroke her hair.  I didn't have the energy.  Her body was lifeless and so was mine, limp in Louis arms.

"Harry," He said pulling away facing me. "They are going to take care of her" His words were hopeful but it didn't help much. I nodded at him, wiping my face.

11:03 PM

I woke up for the second time looking at the clock, I told myself I would leave at 10:30 but I fell back asleep at 9.

I gently grabbed her hand holding it tight.  At this point,  I completely lost it again. I was now the one sobbing and choking scared for her and another life as well as mine.

After a while, I composed myself and turned to leave as her hand slightly squeezed mine.  My head snapped up as her eyes slowly opened. Her eyes widened slightly before realization set in and her head turned toward me.

"Hey." I said whispering, quickly returning to her and she smiled. "You feeling okay?" I asked gently.

"Yeah" Her voice raspy.

"I'll go grab the doctor" I said getting up but her hand squeezed mine.

"Can we just stay here for a minute, alone?" She asked desperately. I nodded my head and sliding into her bed laying under her with her head in my chest.

"Molly?" I started feeling the tears coming back. "You scared me so badly" I whispered and felt the tears fall down my face. And her hand went up to my chest and I squeezed her into me harder.

"I'm sorry, I just love you and I can't stand to see anything happen to you." I told her honestly, trying to control my emotions.

"I love you too." I heard her whisper and I sunk into the bed more laying down with her. Both of us keeping quiet and probably just as tired as the other.

"I told you last time we were here I was beginning to hate this hospital." Her voice low and I chuckled.

"Me too." I agreed with her looking around the dark room.

"Harry?" She whispered.


"Go home." She said and I looked at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, go get some sleep." She reassured me.  I stalled for a minute before picking her up and getting out laying her back down.

"I am not a fucking baby." She said, calling out for me.  I laughed.

"Don't do what you did last time you told me to go home when you were in the hospital." I said with all emotion in my voice.

"I could never" Her voice soft. I leaned down, kissing her forehead before turning opening the door and looking at her. Her eyes shut as she tried to fall asleep once again, I smiled small and closed the door behind me and walking down the hallway to the elevator.

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