Part 46

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Molly's P.O.V

He leads the way to each piece in the gallery.  I briefly explained the piece to him but I couldn't help but notice him staring at me with a small smile, probably not even listening to anything I was saying.

"There it is." He whispered in my ear and I looked around trying to find what he was referring to. My eyes followed his arm, pointing to the art, they settled on the rose picture and I smiled. As happy as I was, I still got a wave of nervousness thinking about everything that happened at the time I had painted it. Just to think, Harry bought it.

"Still my favorite, honestly ever." He whispered, interrupting my thought to comment on it.

"Mine too." I agreed, smiling at the amazing man I get to call mine. We both remained quiet looking at the piece as people walked by it. I was still in awe of how others interpret others work without knowing the backstory.

"Molly?" I heard behind me and I turned along with Harry to meet the voice.

"Yes?" I said not recognizing the man.

"Hello there, I am Mr. Green." He paused taking in my reaction before continuing. "I work for the Art Monthly Magazine and we would love to do a piece on you with your current pieces here tonight.  Also, we want to do an interview on each piece and what they symbolize for you."

My stomach went to my throat and suddenly I wasn't able to talk.

"Really?" I asked astonished. He laughed and I felt Harry's eyes on me waiting for a reaction. "I would love that." I gushed not knowing what to do.

"Amazing, here is my card. We will be in touch with the studio within the next month or two to get pictures.  Once those are processed we will definitely give you a call." He said shaking my hand and Harry's. "Great work!" he added.

As the tall stocky man walked away, I gasped to Harry, "Oh my freaking god! Do you know who that was?"

"He said his name was Mr. Green." Harry shrugged.

"HARRY!" I snapped. "That was the senior editor of the magazine, he has the final say whether something gets cut or goes out. Like he is the only opinion you need to have over here." I explained still not believing it.

"Well- I uh" Harry stuttered now understanding the importance. "wow!" He gushed before picking me up laughing.

"I did it, Harry, I did it" I squealed catching a few glances from people who smiled understanding what was happening.

I felt Harry's lips on mine momentarily before putting me down. "I love you so much" he whispered, making me blush.

Harry's P.O.V

"Hey lovebirds!" I head Louis yell across the studio.

"Hi Lou, Hi El." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What's going on?" He asked clearly clueless. I watched Molly take El and explain what just happened to her and they eventually walked off to admire her work.

"I've never been to one of these" Louis whispered to me and I chuckled.

"Clearly" I sarcastically replied and Louis rolled his eyes. We both walked around quietly before he broke the silence.

"Tonight?" I heard him ask and I knew what he meant.

"Yeah," I said sighing.

"Good luck," He said patting me before Molly and El re-joined us.

"What do you think?" Louis asked and El gushed over Molly and I knew Molly was blushing without looking at her.

"I'll be right back" I announced turning around and walking off.

I walked around a bit before finding it again, the lighting perfect along with the all glass window wall that overlooked the London street. People were starting to clear out and I knew within the next 20 minutes it would be very quiet in here.

I walked back to Molly slipping my arm around her waist as we walked the rest of the studio with El and Louis.

El and Louis split from us a few minutes later telling us they were going to go look at the other side before they left and Molly and I re-walked the street side of the building.

We rounded the corner and I saw the paintings side by side and I turned looking at them stopping her short.

"Harry we already saw these" She whined and I ignored her.

"I know, I just wanted to see them," I said carelessly.

"There are a few more I want to show you then that's it" Her voice a little annoyed as I felt her pull on my hand.

"Wait," I said quietly pulling her in front of me. I stared down at her eyes as I felt a small rush of panic rush through me. I didn't plan out what I was going to say at all and I was somewhat thankful for that.

"You know I love you? I knew I loved you the day of Louis and El's wedding and I know if I had let myself I would have realized I loved you before that" I said pausing her expression full of shock.

"I love you so much and I never want to be without you ever again, you make everything so much easier and better and you just lighten up my day." I reached into my jacket and I heard her inhale sharply.

"I never thought I would be doing this again this soon," I said chuckling lightly. I took her hand in mine and dropped to my knee as I watched a few tears fall from her eyes.

"Molly Victoria Robinson," I said opening the black box and she let a cry out. "Will you marry me?" I finally said and she exploded.

"Yes, Of course I will!" She said crying. I stood back up taking the ring out of the box and slipping it on her finger before she flung her arms around my neck attacking my lips.

Soon enough there were a few claps around the room and a few 'awwws'

"I love you" I whispered against her lips and she smiled.

"I love you too." She said back releasing my neck still crying.

"WOO HOO! Another wedding to go to! Maybe, this time, I'll get to make a baby!" Louis announced in the middle of the art gallery. He was clapping along and giggling with the rest of us.  

Molly and I let out an uncontrolled laugh as El hit Louis across the Delete repeated word. "WHAT?" He asked and El shook her head and he pulled her into him kissing her cheek.

"We should get going, they'll be closing the studio soon." Molly said and I glanced at my watch realizing it was now 11 PM.

"Yeah, I have to work tomorrow." El sighed and Louis helped her with her coat before we all said goodbye.

"Ready?" I whispered against the back of her head as we both stood and stared at the two paintings.

"Yeah." She whispered before walking up to them and pulling them down and handing one to me. I looked at her confused and she smiled.

"These are the only two who have as much meaning as the whole collection." She said before taking my empty hand and we walked out hand in hand.

As we stepped out into the brisk London air, I had realized it hadn't hit me yet.  I just proposed to someone.  It was an out of body experience.  In that moment, I didn't recognize myself. In that moment, I was able to forget that there was ever a rapist, or a dead sister, or a dead ex fiancée, or PTSD or even an unexpected baby coming. In that moment, all I remembered was my love for Molly, and I was finally happy.


DON'T YOU YOU JUST LOVE US!!?? Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, now its back to school. I know... I'm crying too RN. Trailer is soon to come we worked on it over our Thanksgiving break so hopefully soon.


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