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4 months later

"El, I can't be" I whined, not wanting to believe it.

"Why not? What's so bad about it?" She asked me, holding a fussy 2 month old, Jacob in her lap.

"Because Emberly just turned 1, my piece was finally published so now I'm so busy for the next art showing in 6 months and everyone is sending in orders for my work, plus Harry just signed new clients and has to go to new york for like 2 months and we were possibly going to go with him before I started working on my own art." I rambled thinking of all the reason having a baby right now was not the best plan.

"But you and Harry each wanted at least one or two more kids so I don't understand."

"Because the timing" I explained.

"You haven't even taken the test yet!" She retaliated and I looked at her. "I have one upstairs, go find out"

"I'll take your test but I'm waiting for Harry before I actually do it" I said hoping she'd get off my back.

"Fine!" She yelled back after me.

"This could mean I'll be pregnant through the holidays." I said re entering the room and she nodded. "FUCK!" I said holding my head in my hands.

"It's actually not that bad." She said grinning and I just stared at her.

"I have to go get Emberly from Harry's mom and head home so I'll see you later" I said to her standing up.

That night

"Babe!" I heard as I laid in bed as Harry came up the stairs. "Hey" He whispered once he opened the bedroom door.

"Hi" I whispered trying not to wake the sleeping baby.

"Want me to take her to her room?" Harry asked whispering and I nodded my head as he picked her up gently but was unsuccessful as she woke up rubbing her eyes and looked through the room.

"Hi, pumpkin!" Harry whispered against her cheek. "Are you tired?" His voice rising in pitch and I couldn't help but smile, still feeling a little anxious. I finally made up my mind, like it or not I needed to know. I turned around, heading into the bathroom leaving Harry to play with her.

I finished and sat there for a few minutes before I heard Harry frantically call for me, shoving the test into my sweatshirt pocket I ran into the bedroom to find him sitting on the bed with Emberly and I searched for the problem hastily.

"What?" I asked confused and hastily.

"Come here" He motioned toward the bed and I walked over still feeling my heart in my throat.

"Emberly, can you do what you just did for me?" He asked her and she looked between the two of us and pointed suddenly.

"Ma-ma" She said choppy and I looked in astonishment.

"Baby girl, Oh my goodness!" I beamed bring her closer to us. My excitement was soon filled with joy and tears began to form.

"Molls," Harry sighed hugging me from behind.

"Im fine its just that-" I paused not knowing how to say it.

"Just what?" Harry asked not thinking beginning to play with her.

"That I think I'm pregnant. I just took the test and it's in my pocket. I haven't looked at it yet because I know the timing isn't the best with the label and the new art deadline and she only just turned 1 and we might be going to new york an-"

"Molly" I heard bringing me out of my rant. "Are you?" He asked and I sighed looking at Emberly who was babbling and gurgling.

"I haven't checked" I said honestly looking at him.

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