Part 22

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Molly's P.O.V

I opened my eyes the next morning and saw Harry looking at me.  His hands going through my hair.  I smiled at him and he just stared, his green eyes looking into mine.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

"Just thinking" He said, finally smiling at me. He got out of bed slowly, getting dressed and packing his bag back up. I followed his lead and soon enough we were closing the door to the room. Louis and El were coming out at the same time as us and we said goodbye to each other heading opposite directions. I watched as Louis grabbed El by her side and he playfully tugged her into him. Harry saw me watching and sensed my longingness for something like that.

His hand grabbed mine as we walked to the elevator and through the lobby; catching some eyes of people who seemingly knew Harry from the wedding. His grip tightened on my hand and helped me Into the car before walking over to his side.  Soon enough, we were on the road heading back to his place. This time, I stayed awake for the whole ride.

"I should start looking for my own place soon" I said looking out the window, I saw Harry's face fell a little as he nodded, not answering me. I didn't mention it for the rest of the ride back but turned up the music. I saw as his grip on the steering wheel tightened and his face stiffened but I didn't say anything.

We pulled into the driveway and Harry got out right away slamming his door shut going around and grabbing both of our bags leaving me to get out. I followed him into the house and before I close the door he was climbing the stairs and soon I heard his bedroom door close. I shrugged it off and sat on the couch catching up on school.

Hours later I heard him enter the kitchen sitting at the counter, I heard keys being typed on. I stood up and went into the kitchen leaning against the counter. He looked up and broke the silence.

"Why do you want to move out?" His question took me by surprise.

"Because this isn't my home, it's yours and I'm going to be leaving after the baby." I said the last part quietly and his face softened,

"So stay with me until you have to go back." His proposal was shocking to me.

"I can't do that Harry, I have to deal with this. You've done enough for me as it is." He nodded his head and went back to typing, so I headed upstairs to get ready for bed. I sat there in the dark thinking.

What would've happened if I had never met Harry? If no one had found me that night, where would I be right now?

I was grateful that he found me and he helped me through things, but would I of been able to get through them without him? I found myself calling a number knew didn't work anymore, but I  just needed to hear the voice on the other end.

"Hey it's me, I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message after the beep! I'll call you as soon as possible!" There was a small giggle at the end then the beep sounded.

"Not really sure what to say" I said into the phone. " You're usually the one I went too when I needed answers, but I can't do that anymore" My voice breaking.

"I miss you, so much. And I can never see you again but I need you.. I can't go through the rest of my life without you, my big sister. You're supposed to help me with things in life, set the example for me, beat the shit out of guys who piss me off, which I could really use right now." I laughed at myself through tears.

"You were my big sister, you always will be. I loved you and what you did to yourself, I loved you through that. Even when mom and dad didn't, I did. " I paused for a moment trying to catch my breath.

"I still haven't told mom and dad, I'm terrified they will never talk to me again. I don't want to let them down, and I know there already hurting. I just cannot add to their already immense pain. Dad could never understand and mom would try but inevitably wouldn't be able to."

"But now I have to deal with things on my own, without you. I'm scared to go back home, part of me wants to stay but I can't. I can't ever look at any guy ever again without becoming instantly scared. I just wanted to say to you that I Love You, and I miss you so so so bad" I hung up the phone and collapsed on the bed.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat there at the kitchen counter wanting to scream.  I felt so attached but yet I barely even knew her. I wanted her stay with me, I finally did more in my life in the past 3-4 months with her then I had in the past year. After Lydia I came home, ate, went to bed got up went to work. I repeated that schedule day after day.

If Molly left, I'd go back to doing that, and I couldn't live like that again. The countless girls on top of you at clubs, constantly wanting to get with you. I was always polite telling them I wasn't interested but they kept on trying.  I wanted a relationship not constant one night stands. I wanted someone to come home too, to wake up to, I wanted to be happy again.

I finally made my way upstairs for bed, I looked down the hall at her room seeing a light still on. I debate to go in but in the end went into my room, I laid down and looked at the ceiling. My eyes became heavy and I soon drifted to sleep.

Molly's P.O.V

I later there in silence looking up, my mind wandering. I was sick of being lonely and depressed, I needed to be happy again, I wanted to forget about it for the most part. This would forever shape my life but I wanted to forget what it did to me after, how I felt and what I wanted to do.

My stomach cramped up and I sat waiting for it pass, I walked to my door and opened it once more walking down the stairs. I opened the fridge and started to make a sandwich, I sat at the counter and ate alone. I heard Harry's bathroom door open then close signaling he was in bed. I finished eating, washed my dishes and climbed the stairs one last time.

I opened Harry's door and heard small light snores, I walked carefully over to his bed and leaned over kissing his forehead.

"Good night, Harry" I whispered hoping he heard me. He stirred slightly but fell back to sleep right away.

I left the room closing the door quietly behind me, I entered my room the final time and climbed into bed and closing my eyes.  

Thoughts were running through my head as I tossed and turned trying to sleep. My stomach continued to cramp up and I would have to lie still and wait it out. At 1 AM, I got out of bed and walked out onto the balcony looking out in the distance. The moon was covered by a haze. I stared out over the lawn, I never really paid attention to anything in the back of the house like the back patio or deck. I looked down below at the pool, the moonlight reflecting off of it.

I felt another cramp in my side but this one was much worse. My knees buckled and I collapsed to the floor, feeling something drip down my leg.

The song above is what I had in mind for the ending of this chapter and also the beginning of the next chapter :]

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