Part 29

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up with her body intertwined with mine, her hands laid out on my chest and mine on her back.

I carefully slid my body out from beneath hers as she rolled over, I stood up walking toward the bathroom where I turned the shower on. Steam was moving around the bathroom and fogging up the mirror and doors, I felt hands snake around my waist and I jumped slightly. I turned to see her facing me, her eyes traveling my body and mine hers. She was so beautiful. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me. Our lips connecting once again as my hand came in contact with the tile, her chest pressed against mine as I pinned her against the wall.

Her hands traveled over my back and too my chest and lower, I pulled back and looked her.

"I can't. Not like this." I said, shaking my head. I wasn't the type to do this kind of thing, I was one to do something more special, and doing it like that with her wouldn't feel right. She nodded and stepped in front of me, stepping fully into the water. Her body was mesmerizing.

"Doesn't mean we can't go back to bed" I whispered in her ear and picked her up. She giggled and squealed causing me to laugh, her body pressed against mine as I layed back down in bed. My lips ran over her ear lobe to her neck. Shivers rushed over her body as I kept moving down, I just connected our lips when I heard the doorbell rang.

"They'll go away." I said continuing, but the bell went off once more. So, I was forced to get of her and throw sweats on. I pulled the shirt over my head as I jogged down the steps, I opened the front door and multiple moving company men stood there.

"Mr. Styles?" They asked and I nodded.

"We are here to move your furniture" They said.

"It wasn't supposed to be until tomorrow, the 30th of April?" I questioned.

"Today is the 30th" I mentally kicked myself and let them in briefly telling them everything had a label on it for what room it went too. I jogged back up stairs to Molly as she was probably wondering who it was.

"The movers are here. I got the dates mixed up so it's moving day I suppose." I said my voice lined with sarcasm. She nodded her head and walked over to me already dressed and placed a kiss on my lips, I reacted and kissed her back gripping her hips. She walked into the kiss and then broke away, leaving me.

A few hours later with three trips the men had between each house, my first home was bare. All white, nothing found on the walls or anywhere.

Molly grabbed my hand reading my mind and smiled at me.

"Ready?" She asked quietly. I nodded, walking out behind her and locking the door for the last time. I got into the car and started it, pausing to look at it once more.

When we got to the new house, I gave Molly the keys and told her to look around. I went around to the back of the car and grabbed my duffel bag and her suitcase she had brought with her. I already knew she had missed her plane back home because her ticket fell out of her bag this morning when she picked it up.

When I entered the house, Molly was standing there looking at the wall. It wasn't till I stepped out from behind her I saw what she was looking at. Her painting.

"I didn't know it was yours till I had paid for it." I explained sheepishly. Her head nodded up and down and we both stood there in silence for a minute.

"This was inspired by you." She quietly and I snapped my head up and looked at her.

"Your tattoo." She said motioning to my arm. I held my arm up to examine it and she looked at it as well.

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