Part 3

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Harry's P.O.V

10:13 AM

I sat there in my car trying to build the nerve to go and face her roommate. The next moment I found myself knocking on the door. To my surprise, a short blonde headed girl with brown eyes answering and looking at me. I quickly introduced myself as Harry, and she let me in.

She led me into the living area, and my head started to spinning, slightly afraid of how to say what needed to be said. Addi began to bombard me with questions. "Where has Molly been for the past 2 days, Why does she need her stuff, Why hasn't she texted me-" I interrupted her, unwillingly, as I didn't want to say the words.

"Addi- Molly was raped." I choked out. Addi's hand quickly went to her mouth, and tears slowly became visible. I went on to tell her how it had happened. Everything I heard her tell the police I repeated and Addi couldn't contain herself. After a few moments of her whimpering, she spoke...

"I should've said I would met her at home, or tell her to leave, or I-" she rambled.

"STOP!" I interrupted her for the second time. "You cannot do that to yourself. You didn't know what was going to happen, there is no way to ever know something like that."

The conversation went on for a while as I wanted to make sure she was going to be alright. I gathered the things Addi had retrieved for Molly, and as I headed to the door, I turned to speak to Addi, "Please don't say anything about this yet. I don't know if she's ready to handle any kind of conversation on the topic."

"I won't say anything." Addi assured me and we both gave each other small and sad smiles as I headed out the door.

When I returned back to the car, I sat there and just hung my head. The more I thought of the events in the past 48 hours, the more I wanted to scream. I began to hit the steering wheel as I choked out tears of my own.


When I returned home I found Molly awake on the couch staring at her hands. "Hey" I muttered.

She quickly looked up and replied a muffled "Hi" She looked to my arms, with 2 suitcases full of her things. She then shifted her eyes to mine, and stated, "Thank you, I appreciate it Harry."

"No problem" I responded quietly.

I turned around and headed for the stairs and smiled as I realized that was the first time she had said my name. I walked into my room and placed her bags down and slowly started to unpack things. I jumped slightly when I saw her standing in the room. I looked, and saw she was quick to help me with her stuff, but I declined. So, she sat down on the bed.

After a few minutes I joined her on the bed and looked at her. I gently brought my hand to her cheek and allowed my thumb to caress it.

"What are you thinking love?" I hummed. She didn't reply right off, rather sat in silence until she thought of an acceptable answer.

"Why can't other men act like you?" She groaned. The question took me by surprise and stunned me but, I guess it was fair.

"I don't know, you'll have to talk to my mom about that. She's the reason I'm who I am today." I shrugged.

"Is that an Invite to meet the parents, Harry?" She asked playfully, possibly in an attempt to keep herself from crying.

"Maybe" I jokingly laughed at her comment, and so did she. She continued to laugh as mine settled down and i couldn't help but just admire her.

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