Part 27

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Harry's P.O.V

I woke up late Thursday morning, I took the day off to finish packing everything up.  I am set to move in to my new house on Saturday. I stepped out on the balcony in my sweats and stood there, the wind catching my hair and blowing it over my face slightly. I looked around the yard and walked over to what was once her side and opened the doors.  The bedroom had been dis assembled but the comforter laid folded on the carpet with the pillow on top of it.

I walked down the stairs and grabbed boxes that were already full and started placing them in the nearly empty garage. I had all the cars but the range rover and the ferrari brought to the new house so I had 4 open lanes for boxes.  Slowly it filled up with multiple boxes. I left the furniture and mattresses all in one area for the moving company to retrieve.

By the time I moved the boxes, it was 12:30.  I called Louis to meet up for lunch. We ate out on the little place at the corner of my road. Afterwords, I ran into the shop quickly to grab a hair cut and drove home to call it a day.

Molly's P.O.V

I walked through the doors of the office side of the hospital, I checked in with the receptionist and informed me Dr. Webber's office was the third door on the right. I knocked and he opened it letting me.

"Hello, how are you?" He asked cheerfully.

"I'm doing good" I said with a slightly forced smile and nod.

"Well, that's all we can ask for." Both his hands held mine and he gave me a sympathetic smile and I returned it.

"Please sit." he motioned towards the chair.

"First we are going to run some blood tests, check your hormone levels and run a CAT scan." He concluded and I nodded.

I signed multiple papers and he lead out of his room and into a hospital room. I changed into the gown and soon I was being shown by a nurse into a white sound proof room. I layed on the table and soon enough I was moved slowly through the hole. I panicked slightly and the nurse picked up on it as her voice came over the intercom.

"Molly, I know this is scary but I need you too stay still. This should only take about 35 minutes and we will have everything we need." She said in a monotone voice, like she has said that statement a million times.  I nodded a little and refrained myself from moving after.

The machine rolled back into the donut shaped thing.  I was startled by the robot voice, telling me to breathe deeply, but tried not to move.  I looked away from the top of it, but towards my feet.  I followed the directions of the machine, telling me to breathe in and out at different paces, until it was completed.

I was walked back to the room and I sat on the bed as the same nurse did hormone tests, as soon as she left another came in and took my blood. I was grateful when she found the vein in one prick. She smiled at me, setting juice and a cookie down before she left. I smiled at her as she left and ate the cookie and got dressed.

"Molly?" I heard and Dr. Webber entered the room.

"Do you want us to call anyone on your list?" I shook my head, knowing my parents were the only ones on the list.

"Well the tests should be about another 4-5 hours and we will call you for a consultation, okay?" he confirmed and  I nodded my head at him as he left. I walked out of the room and followed the signs to the exit, by now it was 12:00 and I stopped to eat lunch at a cafe in front of the hospital. I felt myself checking over my shoulder afraid I might run into him. Thats the last thing I needed I thought.

Harry's P.O.V

I collapsed on the couch, staring at the TV as the movie played.  After it had finished,  I got up off the couch realizing it was 4:30 PM. I felt exhausted for some reason so I retreated to my bedroom grabbing what was left of my clothes and stuffing them in a duffel to bring to the house later. I took off my jeans and grabbed a pair of sweats, taking my shirt off and flinging it halfway across the room close to the bed before I walked into the bathroom.

I started the water to the shower and stepped in once it had heated up.  I felt the water rush down my face and body making me feel more refreshed. 20 minutes must have went by because the water started to loose its heat. I turned the handle and it shut off, I dried myself off and dressed in the sweats and another clean shirt. I walked back into the room where I pulled the covers back and got in.

I scrolled through my emails on my phone quickly replying to ones I could before I put it on charge and fell asleep.

Molly's P.O.V

I sat in the hotel room watching TV, 'The Notebook' playing as I cried at Allie yelling at Noah on he didn't write her. How relatable I thought, chuckling at myself. My phone took me by surprise when it rang out loud.

"Hello?" I said into it as I turned the TV down so I could hear.

"Molly, It's Dr. Webber. We have your test results, would you please come in to discuss them?" He said.

"Sure i'll be there in about 25 minutes." He said goodbye and I hung up. I changed into different clothes and locked the door behind me.

I entered the busy streets of London and memories flooded my head, I hadn't thought about that night in a while. I refused to let it enter my mind because I would only break down. I flagged a car and the driver made his way to the hospital. He assured me he would wait and I apologized in advance for the wait.

I entered the hospital and the clock read 5:30 PM. I knew this wouldn't take long because he was probably eager to go home. I knocked at his door and heard him say "come in" through the door. He motioned towards the chair and I sat down once more, he came around his desk to sit in the chair next to me and handed me what I took as my test results.

He covered everything inside and out explaining all the levels and I thought all was well, but he turned to my hormone levels and the pictures of the CAT scan and his face fell a bit.

"We found that a few levels were low and we were a little concerned but when we turned the page... " He flipped the packet one page over and explained more.

"This level concerned us more." He pointed to a specific level and looked up to me.

"There are multiple options to go from here, I want you to know this and this isn't the end of the road for the topic or your future." I looked at him confused and worried.

"Molly, your hormone levels are too low that you body can't maintain a pregnancy."  He paused, "Molly, you can't carry a child to a full term." His words cocked the wind out of me. I blocked the rest out, the options were listed along with medical procedures and I nodded through all of them not paying attention.

"Was the miscarriage caused by this?" I asked interrupting him as he nodded. I nodded back and looked down.

"I'll let you process all this and take the tests back to the states where you can continue to research things, Let me know and I will have my office send all the papers over." I nodded my head and thanked him as I stood and left.

I made it back to the car and it was nearly 7:15 when the driver asked where too so I gave him the only address I could think of at the time.

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