Part 52

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Harry's P.O.V

My back ached when I woke only to see I was laying half on the bed with Molly sprawled out half on me. I rubbed my eyes and pushed her off of me. She let out a small groan before flipping over and I laughed as her face smushed into the pillow. I looked over her body laying there half under the sheet and my stomach did a flip itself at the thought but a smile grew on my face. I knew she was excited and nervous and I felt the same way, a child of my own and the best part- it was with her.

My only fear was the connection, I didn't want to put myself out there until It was was real and I could relax. I entered the closet getting dressed. After sliding my suit on I emerged to still find her asleep.

I kneeled in front of her at the edge of the bed, moving her hair out of her face kissing her forehead. My lips warm against her cool skin and I lingered for a bit, taking her smell in as I watched her eyes bat against her eyelids. She involuntarily shifted her weight and I backed away leaving the room to let her sleep.

The drive into the label was quiet as it was only 8 AM and I was able to get through each light without having to stop. The parking garage was empty except for Heather's new black Range Rover which she had just gotten and came in a few days ago all excited to share the news with me.

I entered the elevator and quietly scrolled through my phone, checking emails. I realized that I had 4 meetings lined up for today, and I think I would want to drink bleach than sit through any of them.

The doors opened and I exited, walking through the lobby and Heather popped her head up smiling at me.

"Good morning!" She chirped. I knew there would be something to follow, so I leaned up against the counter smiling at her.

"Morning" I replied still standing there.

"What?" Her voice confused.

"Nothing, I just thought you wanted to ask me something." I said and she bit her lip debating. "Just ask me" I sighed laughing.

"I met this guy" She started and I had a feeling I knew where this was going as I nodded my head. "...And I was wondering if you and Molly would like to go out with us because I really would like your opinion considering my dad is uh-" She struggled with the last part.

Ever since her dad had passed suddenly from cancer this past year she valued my opinion more and more. I guess, maybe, because now I am the only male authority in her life. I try my best to look out for her and make sure everything is okay considering she just turned 21.  I know how easily guys could use anything to their advantage with her, and that scares me.

"Where? When? What time and how formal?" I asked and her face lit up.

"Castro's, next friday, 6 PM and just semi- formal" She said and I nodded.

"We will be there" I called back walking away toward my office.

"Thank you" I heard her yell back and I waved my hand in response.

Molly's P.O.V

"So what time is it?" Addi asked as we skimmed through the racks of dresses.

"Harry said 6" I told her holding a dress out and she shook her head.

"How are things?" Her voice cautious. I told her everything that had been happening the past few weeks, although it was more of a rant, I am so glad I still have someone to talk to.

"I don't know" I sighed. "I think he will be fine as soon as the baby is here, he's probably just scared" I finished, defending him.

"What about this?" She asked, holding out a tight black dress. "With those lace up heels you like in the really light pink" She said excitedly and I smiled knowing we had found the dress.

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