Part 35

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Harry's P.O.V

When I woke up it was 3:00 AM. We had been in New York for nearly 7 hours and we slept the most of it.  I got out of bed, stretching my arms as I looked at Molly, still sound asleep. I threw my sweatshirt over my bare chest and slid gym shorts on. Quietly, I opened the balcony door.  What was it with her and I and balconies?  We never could get away from them. I looked down at the city that I found bittersweet.  On one hand, it was New York, and on the other hand it was New York. Even at this hour, the traffic was steady, the streets were still lit up, people going home from a night out.

The wind caught my hair as I rubbed my face thinking about the day ahead of me.  I had  a contract renewal and a club opening. Then tomorrow was another day another contract. It was so monotonous.  What was getting me through this trip was Molls.  She and I were going to do so many things these next few days, we had all of the city waiting for us.

"Harry?" her whisper pulled me out of my thoughts.  I snapped my head towards her.  She stood in the moonlight with my shirt and her sweats on.  Her hair slightly knotted, it was obvious she had just woken up.

"Hey" My voice quiet and a smile appearing on my face.

"What are you doing?" She yawned as she joined me.

"Just thinking and planning our days out" I said honestly, she nodded her head and looked over the edge taking in the view.

I stared at her until she turned her head toward me, "What?" Her voice small and quiet.

"Nothing" I said as I leaned in and attached my lips to hers, I pulled her body into mine and she opened her mouth slightly. I took advantage and took more control my tongue meeting hers.

This wasn't a needy kiss or one that was forced, it was a sweet and simple kiss that had more meaning then I had ever felt before for some reason. I broke the kiss and stood beside her looking at the skyline once more, her eyes darting from building to building and light to light amazed by it all.

We were both quiet for a few minutes and I was ready to turn and go back to bed but her voice stopped me.

"How do you picture things for us?" Her voice filled with question and curiosity. I looked at her and tried to think of my words so I wouldn't stumble.

"What?" Was all I could think of. This time she looked at me and repeated herself.

"How do you see our future together?" She repeated and I paused again, not knowing where this was going.

"Do you mean like career, relationship....?" I trailed off, trying to understand her cryptic question.

"No Harry." She said getting slightly annoyed, rolling her eyes, "What do you see or want for yourself?" I looked at her as if to say 'what do you think.'

"I never really gave it much thought, I always planned on running my label and growing it..." I said not making eye contact.  "I'm sorry.  I really don't know the right answer to this" My voice apologetic.

"Harry, there isn't a right answer.  The answer is whatever you want." I thought again for a moment before answering.

"You" I said quietly.

"What?" She said clearly not hearing me.

"I want you" I said looking at her... "I want you in my future" I finished more confidently taking her by surprise but she smiled bigger than I had ever seen. Until I realized that there was something in her eyes that didn't seem right, something was missing.

"Let's go back to bed, we have a lot to do this week" Her voice small and shaky as if she wasn't telling me something.

Molly's P.O.V

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