Part 14

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Molly's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning in Harry's grasp. I moved his arms off of me slightly and stood from the couch. My neck had developed a cramp due to sleeping with my head on his chest. I moved it slightly to crack it as I walked to the kitchen. The coffee already made set on a timer, I poured some and ventured upstairs to get dressed. The other two girls were taking the stand this afternoon and it was supposed to be a big shocker to everyone, even him.

I put my clothes on and actually tried to do my hair and makeup today. The other days I barely touched it and Harry was lucky to get me out of the house. I paused to look at the mirror and was surprised at what I found, I looked away not wanting look any longer.

I walked back downstairs and saw Harry still asleep on on the couch but his position had changed, his whole body now sprawled out, gently shaking him his eyes opened sitting up slowly and standing following me into the kitchen. His hands running through his hair and over his face trying to wake up as I handed him his coffee and he said 'thank you' which I returned with a smile.

He disappeared for 20 minutes but came back down all dressed in a dark grey suit and white button down on underneath. I had a feeling he didn't like wearing ties, because I have only seen him wear them for business meetings.

"Ready?" He asked bring me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we left the house climbing into his range rover. The drive to the court house was silent as we both watched the houses and cars pass.

"Can you handle this?" He asked once he had parked the car. "You know you don't have to be in there today?" I sat there for a minute thinking.

"I want to be there." I paused and we looked at each other. "I need to hear their stories so I can move on knowing I wasn't completely alone." I finished and he nodded his head getting out of the car. I grabbed my bag as he opened my door and helped me out.

As we walked through the halls of the now familiar courthouse, my heels clicked along the wooden floors. I stopped dead in my tracks when I turned the corner and was face to face with him. Harry immediately grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into his waist as we made our way around him. Harry kept looking behind us and holding onto me as if he were the secret service for the president.

"You okay?" He asked whispering in my ear. I nodded in response not looking at him and too afraid to look behind me.

Once we were in the room he let go of my body but kept me close, I sat down next to Derek who was going over paper work. He saw the two of us and looked up smiling.

"Good Morning, kids." He said jokingly and I smiled.

"You know you're only like 3 years older then me right?" Harry joked. Just then the judge entered and we all stood like normal. We took our seats and the prosecutor called off a witness to be questioned and my heart stopped along with Harry's. Harry stood up and adjusted his suit making his way to the bench.

He sat down and looked at me, I tried to give him a small smile but I couldn't I was too freaked out and worried.

"Mr. Styles, Is it true you found Ms. Robinson outside of the nightclub the alledged rape occurred?"

"Yes it is." He replied smoothly.

"And is it true you took her into your care for quite a bit of time?"

"Yes that's true" Where was this going I thought.

"So, since she was under your care why didn't you feel the need to take her to the hospital until the following night after the incident?" I didn't know what to do. I sat there in disbelief. Harry hadn't tried to hurt me in anyway, why was he being scolded for something that he no control over?

"I knew that she needed sleep after what had happened and I wasn't aware how much was in her system" Harry answered honestly.

"Alright well, when someone gets raped what is your first initial reaction to do?" He asked looking at Harry as if to say 'I've got you'

"Take them to the hospital" Harry said and bowed his head on the verge of tears. The man stepped away and looked at Derek all smug like and Derek stood up and approached Harry.

"Harry, how long has Molly been staying with you?" Derek asked.

"Ever since that night." Harry replied.

"And has anyone else tried to help her in anyway like you have since then?"

"No" Harry shook his head.

"Why have you let Molly stay with you for so long, why didn't you leave after taking her to the hospital and say goodbye?" Harry paused and looked over at me before answering.

"Because I care about her more then anyone could ever imagine." I looked away as tears rolled down my cheeks and I knew Harry saw them

"But you had only met her that night? Considering the circumstances, why do you care so much?" Derek continued. Every string of my emotions were being pulled right now and I'm sure Harry was trying really hard to keep it together.

"Because I now couldn't imagine my life without her." By now, tears were falling rapidly and I couldn't keep it together, it took everything in me not to break down. With a lot of work, I kept my composure for the most part. Harry was taken off the bench and I expected him to walk over to me but instead he didn't make eye contact with anyone as he walked briskly out the room pulling on his nose trying to keep himself together for .2 seconds until he was out of the room.

I almost followed him but Derek sat down next to me and they announced two other names and I knew I really wasn't ready for this.


Harry's P.O.V

I paced back and forth in the parking garage trying to control my breathing as tears were falling from my eyes. What had I done? I just admitted everything to her in a fucking cross examination, she knew something was there with me but I had yet to admit it to her. I kicked my foot against my tire in frustration but soon regretted it. My phone rang suddenly and I looked at the caller ID before picking realizing it was Louis.

I took a deep breath and answered the phone with a shaky voice.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Harry?" Louis breathed out.


"I'd get back in there if I were you." He said and I looked around in confusion, expecting to see him standing somewhere.

"What are you talking about Louis?"

"There's a live stream up-" He paused. "El and I have been watching, she's losing it and Derek doesn't know what to do." I started walking towards the elevator and pressed the open button non stop until the door opened.

"Whats happening, Louis?' I asked.

"They just called up two girls, the first one left and now the second one is sitting down."

"SHIT!" I exclaimed and Louis heard. The elevator door opened and I found myself walking at a very fast pace through the halls.


"What Louis?" I said a little irritated.

"She just left the room" That's all it took and I was in a full on sprint to get to her. I hung up the phone in the process, I knew Louis would understand. I ran down stairs and through hallways until I rounded one corner and saw Ethan leaving the room with guards and press surrounding him. This was the first time there was press, I saw Molly with Derek on the other side trying to get through the crowd without answering questions.

Anger overtook my body and before I knew it, I was walking through the crowd straight up to him. My fist made one hard contact with his face and he stumbled, I threw multiple more throws as people shrieked and backed away scrambling. I finally felt hands snake around me and I knew it was Derek right off. He dragged me away as I saw her eyes burning right into mine, tears were escaping them. Derek finally put me down as I kicked at him, when I was on my feet the cameras surrounded me as I made my way over to her. I grabbed her arm like before and Derek lead the way out of the mess.

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