Part 23

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Molly's P.O.V

I begin to panic.  My legs are slightly numb and I can't get up. I knew Harry always kept his windows to the balcony open at night to let air in, I was able to scoot myself over to the opening and I saw him sleeping soundly.

I began to feel dizzy right away, so I knew I had to get his attention and I had to get it fast.

"HARRY!" I shouted. He didn't move.

"HARRY!!" I screamed a little louder and he stirred, my eyes starting seeing black dots when I saw his body sit up.

"Harry" I whispered one last time before I completely blacked out.

Harry's P.O.V

I sat up looking around knowing someone had called my name, but my room was empty. I got up and walked over to the balcony windows looking out seeing her light still on, I peeked out and saw it. She laid on the concrete limply, blood covered the deck of the balcony. I ripped open the door and crouched by her picking her up and running to the shower,  turning it on and sticking her under it.I set her down in my lap, water running over both if us. I stood up carefully running from the bathroom to my room grabbing my phone calling 999 and sprinting back to the bathroom.

The operator picked up and I explained what was happening and she continued to assure me they had emergency vehicles on there way. I got her out of the shower and cradled her in my arms, her legs on the floor, her arms still limp. Her face pale and her lips swollen, she didn't move at allmnot a single movement. Soon enough, I heard the front door break down and 3 men were in the bathroom taking her from me, leaving me there alone to follow. I retrieved my keys from the counter and rushed to the car following them out of the driveway.

The drive seemed to take forever.  We passed houses upon houses and finally made it to the main road. From there, we arrived in 20 minutes.  They wheeled her out and into the hospital. I was stopped immediately by the nurse, telling me I wasn't able to go beyond unless I was family. I lied to her the nurse saying the baby was mine trying to get to her.

The nurse still didn't allow me through not being on her emergency contact list, instead it was her parents. My heart sank, knowing that they were going to be called, and I knew for a fact Molly hadn't told them.

I retreated to the waiting room and sat nervously waiting for any news but nothing came.

14 hours had passed, nothing, no news. I hadn't slept at all. I was so afraid that I would miss someone coming out. Every time a doctor came out, it was for another family. I looked up to see a couple in their 40's enter the hospital in a frenzy.  My heart stopped when I heard the name they asked for.

"Molly Robinson, she was brought in around 1 AM, at least that's what they told us over the phone." I approached the desk slowly and cleared my throat.

"Mr. Robinson?" I said with hesitation. He turned to face me with a confused expression.

"I'm Harry, I brought your daughter in earlier on." I said and his face stiffened and I knew this wasn't good. He grabbed my shirt and came in close to my face.

"You no good son of-" I stopped before he continued.

"It wasn't me" I said quickly and he let go of me, eyes wide.

"What?" He asked confused, which told me he didn't know the whole story.

"We should sit" I said sighing. They walked over and sat right away.

"I met Molly about 4 and half months ago.  I saw her when she was outside of a night club. She had bruises up and down her legs and gashes really deep, I grabbed her and took her to my place. I called the police the next morning and she gave her statement" I looked at their eyes, they both seemed to be still slightly confused.

"I'm really sorry to tell you this" I paused composing myself, "Molly was raped that night" Her mother's eyes released multiple tears and her dad gripped her hand.

"She found out 2 weeks later that she was pregnant" The moment the words left my mouth her mother lost all control and sobbed into her husband's arms and I reluctantly continued.

"She was afraid to tell you after everything with Sienna, she didn't want to disappoint you anymore then you were. She already has a few couples set up for adoption but she has yet to pick the final one." I said quietly afraid to look at them.

I saw a doctor emerge, "Molly Robinson" He said and her father stood up.

"Your daughter is out of surgery, would you follow me?" They nodded, her father looked at me questionally.

"Go ahead, I'll wait" I said quietly as I stood up. He reached his hand out and I took it slowly shaking it as he gave me a small smile.

They walked off and left me alone. The nurses all looking at me with sad eyes as I Ignored them and sat back down waiting.

An hour later, they both emerged with puffy bloodshot eyes. They approached me and her mother hugged me from the side.

"Thank you so much, for everything." Her dad said with tears in his eyes. I simply nodded.

"We are going to check into a hotel right now, we left word with the nurses." Her moth said. "She was asking about you." My eyes went wide with surprise.

"How is she?" I asked and neither of them looked at me. I nodded my head and said goodbye.

I walked down the hallway toward the right wing of the hospital. I stood outside her door, afraid to walk in but I entered. All of this feeling to familiar to me. She sat in the bed as I entered, her eyes catching mine and she immediately started crying. I walked over carefully and sat beside her pulling her into me.  Her arms brought up to her chest stiff. I rubbed her back until her cries subsided.

"They said it was too early to find out the sex, a-and tho-se we-wer-weren't kicks we fe-felt," She stumbled over her words that were jumbled together. I didn't understand what she was getting at.

"It was a mis-carriage." Her eyes looked up into mine and my heart went to my throat. She wasn't crying anymore, her voice held no emotion.

"You should go home." She said breaking the silence. "Get some rest, I know you've been here all day." I nodded towards her and got up not wanting to leave.

"Harry. Go get some sleep" She reiterated. I opened the door and left the hospital. I sat in my car and lost all control. For some reason I knew she was free from him but not entirely, she had to go through all of this to become free.

I drove home and entered my house, knowing it was never going to feel the same. I kicked off my shoes at the door and just collapsed on the couch too tired and drained to even climb the steps. I started to doze off when my phone rang, I looked at it not recognizing the number, I hit ignore and fell asleep.

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