Chapter27: Lust

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It's already 6:30 pm in the evening. I already stayed in my room, lying on my bed with my arms and legs spread wide apart. I am staring on the ceiling, pulling out a deep sigh repeatedly because of my unexplainable reason.

Is Jack already home?

"Oh my god, what am I thinking?" I said to myself as I sat up from lying.

I didn't know what to think, my brain wasn't functioning well. Honestly, when he told me about falling for him, the words were kept on repeating in my head, with a question: why he asked something like that?

But when I gave him my answer, everything got changed. He started ignoring me.

Or maybe I'm just jealous because he finally found someone who could go in his crazy games, and that wasn't me, but Kelly.

"You shouldn't be jealous, Hayley," I muttered.

Standing up from sitting, I went to my dresser and from there, I took my hair brush and started singing as if I'm in a concert. I think, I must entertain myself to prevent from so much thinking, it might caused my sanity loss.

"Sometimes the man caught looking at things that he don't need, he took a second to look at you, but he's in love with me . . ." I sang, with my hair brush pointing on my mouth as if it's a microphone. I continued singing, didn't even care if someone heard me.

". . .it'll be over my dead body, so get out while you can, 'coz you ain't woman enough to take my man, Nah you ain't woman enough to take my —"

"What's happening here?!" A voice suddenly made me stopped singing. My eyes got widened because that voice was familiar. I put down my hand on my side where the brush actually was, then I slowly turned my body toward him, who's standing at the door.

"Um, Hi?" I approached.

Jack pushed the door shut. Leaning his back against it, he folded his arms, smirking at me. "And who's ain't woman enough to take your man?" he asked teasingly, "and who is your man?"

My eyes suddenly avoided his, "Nothing. . . I'm just singing okay?"

"I don't think so."

"What are you doing here?" I changed.

"Um, just wanted to say that I have already gotten a new car," he said while stepping closer to me.

I made a faint smile, then I turned my back when I replied, "That's great," I climbed on my bed and lied down myself, pulling the blanket over my body, "I will get into sleep, Goodnight."

Jack ignored me. He walked toward my direction; he climbed on it and laid himself beside me,  suiting his half body into my blanket.

"H—hey! Get away from here!" I objected when I propped my elbows against the soft surface.

"I will sleep here,"

"And what about Kelly?"

"Aren't you jealous?

"Don't be ambitious, Clown!" I retorted in a peevish way, then I turned aside so that he's facing my back.

My heart was thumping non-stop. My eyes were restless, while trying to feel his motion if he's gonna wrap his arm around me or whatsoever. My senses started functioning.

"Doll. . ." he uttered in a deep voice.

I felt that he moved closer an inch on me, feeling his body almost nearby. Slowly, I looked over my shoulder — Jack was looking at me with his teasingly smile, as his eyes were narrowed. His right elbow was against the bed, as a support; his body was slightly lifted, but still in a laid position.

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