Chapter10part2:The Concert

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A/n: (edited; rewritten) thanks for reading and have a nice day/ night. Comment or vote loves.

We already finished two songs: Here we go again and Born for this and everything seemed to be fine. The crowds were all in a good condition and the atmosphere was quite noisily due to their screams.

Before we proceed to the next song, I moved closer to the edge of the stage and from there, I put my right leg on the rigid box where we used to stored stuffs like, wirings and etc. With my microphone -stand.

"Thank you so much!" I shouted with a slight sound of gasping, "As you might know this is the Final Riot. . . and in case you don't already my friend I'll tell you. . . We - are - Paramore!"

[Audiences Impacts]

"Thank you so much for supporting this band, as well as its members." I said, "And I'm sad to say this but -"

I was cut off when suddenly the people in front were screaming and panicking; I also heard gunfire. someone's making disturbance and that someone was. . .

"Hayley my dear!" he shouted, "I'm finally here! mind to go down fucking there and come with me?!"

"The Joker. . ." I mumbled. I was froze when I could clearly saw him beyond those people in front as they repelled. His gaze was stunning.

They started bombing the area and the loud impact made me to slumped on the floor-stage. I could hear Taylor and Jeremy screaming my name but I couldn't even move an inch. The gunfires were surrounded the whole are; it made me to hurt my hearing. I curled up with slumped knees - covering my ears because of the loud sounds, until I heard sirens.

"Get out there!" Harleen yelled behind.

I looked at my right side when my eyes widened; seeing Joker almost near at me.

I tried my very best to stand up when suddenly, I heard a loud creak on metal on beneath us, signaling that the large brims of the stage were gonna fell on me. I shut my eyes waiting for my death when someone grabbed me all of a sudden and all I could hear was the loud banged through the stage.

I was frozen in the arms of . . .

"Get away from me!" I yelled as I tried to get away from his grip. I was surrounded in between on his muscular and firmed muscles but he didn't even bother to let go off me.

I lifted my head to see his face, but all I noticed was his blank expression, a pressed mouth and unknown stare.

"L-Let . . . G-Go . . ." I mumbled between my breath.

Instead, he smiled devilish at me and his sudden emotion in his face faded away.

"After I saved you, that's all I got? Hmm?" He said in a raspy voice.

He tightened his grip around me then he forcedly pulled me from the floor to stand up but still, his arms were clung around my waist. I put my palms on his chest to avoid his body against mine.

"Oh Hayley," he whispered in my ear that brought chills into my spine, "come and live with me. . ."

"Are you serious about that?!" I yelled while I'm trying hard to push him away from me because he's almost hugging me.

"You can't get rid of me," he replied as he left a flick on my neck; enough for me to erupt.

Joker hugged me while chuckling demonically; I'm struggling in his grip but this insane man seemed to not care.

"Stupid!" I shouted over his shoulders, "Let me go!"

Until I heard a deep raspy voice, behind us.

"Joker!" he said, "Let go of her!"

I felt a slight relief when I noticed it's Batman while the clown was groaning and growling between his hugs.
Joker pulled his body against me but he's not done yet, instead, he went behind me and there, he clutched his forearm around my neck.

I'm being his hostage now.

"Batman?!" he approached, "You're not invited here so shoo!"

"Surrender!" Batman groaned.

I was in a situation where I wished that this stage - floor would suddenly opened to the ground so that it would engulf me. I'm breathing heavily; my heart was thumping non - stop.

Oh god please, I don't want to die here!

I prayed for my soul when I remembered this scene, almost alike of what had I watched before when the Jokes was live on TV. I'm afraid, what if he killed me? If that would happen, I haven't had a chance to see my future children.

"Please stupid clown! Release me!" I said.

"Freeze woman!" he whispered in my ear then he placed the gun through his left hand on my belly, "I don't want you to please me that way - no not like that. . . you can please me when you're with me in my hideout."

I heard his chuckles and that made my face to turned in red, I know what he meant, this man! How dare was he!

"Shameless!" I whispered in annoyance.

Joker pushed the barrel of his gun on my belly when he noticed Batman attempted to walk closer to us.

"Stay back B-man!" He yelled. "Why you keep on hunting me?! Are you a hunter?!"

"Not have time to waste with you! For the second time, release her before I hurt you!"

"Well I have so much time to waste just to kill you!" Joker shouted when he started shooting Batman, "Eat this and die!"

The Bat dodged to avoid the bullets. I shut my eyes and suddenly held Joker's arm around my neck because of shock; tightening my grip as the gun was keep on firing.

"Oh my god!" I muffled on the clown's forearm.

After a seconds, Joker's gunshot stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and got shocked when I saw probably his men hit Batman from behind; he fell on the floor unconscious.

"No. . ." I whispered.

"You know what to do!" Joker yelled then he started dragging me.

"Let's go baby!" he said with a wicked smile on his face.

"Stop!" I objected, "Let me go! Stupid clown - Ah!"

The Joker lifted me over his shoulder; all I can do was hit him on his back - struggling; waggling my legs.

"Dammit!" I yelled.

We got off the stage; striding to a big van.

Shit! He's going to kidnap me!

As I heard the cops, some of his henchmen set off their mobiles which made a loud explosion and fire. I screamed because of the loud noise.
Then Joker threw me inside and got on himself.

I kept on struggling but when his gun pointed me on my jaw, I got frozen.

"You will shut up, or this gun will make you shut that fucking mouth?!" He threatened.

With a pressed lips, I chose to stay quiet; not knowing what might happen as the van started moving its way out.

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