Chapter24: I WAS INNOCENT!

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Past seven-o'clock in the evening, I already cooked some dinner for those men before going to my own room. I also grabbed my dinner.

I went into the small living room to watch some TV shows; I took my seat when I pressed the remote control.

When the television already turned on, the flash news popped-up, it was a news about Bruce Wayne's manor which was  half-burning.

I covered my mouth because of shocked. The news said: Joker and his me had arrived. They bombed the manor and everyone died because of it — some people were saved by the Bats — and the old man named Alfred, the Wayne's loyal servant had gotten a minor shot on his leg —

I didn't finish the news on TV, I turned it off, pushing my hair backward, Joker committed crimes again.

Until I heard a creak on the front door, I gazed upon it when the clown and his men appeared.
Joker looked so messed: his hair was flopped down on his face, his black tuxedo had smudge of blood?!

I quickly stood up, scanning his whole appearance; he had gotten a cracked-nose which he covered through his hand while the other was holding a handgun. Joker passed the living room, and he walked upstairs, without looking at me.

"Mister!" I called when I stepped on the staircase, walking after him, "Mister J!"

Joker ignored me until he got inside of his room, slamming it shut. I was left outside, thinking if should I go in there. Stretching my hand to turn the knob, I was confused, as my hand was shaking.

I thought for a moment, until I decided to push the door opened.

"C—Clown?" I called when I poked my head at the door. Rounding my eyes, I spotted him, removing his clothing, "may I come in?"

"You already in," he said with a little annoyed-voice.

At least, I have a reason to step into his room because I'm still his doctor, and my patient needs me.

Afterwards, I finally there with him. I gulped, as my eyes were darted upon his tattooed body — remembering when his body touched mine. I felt a warm heat that burned my whole face then I shook my body . . . dammit Hayley don't you dare!

"Do you need something?" he said when he turned around toward me, with a cracked-nose, as the crimson-blood, kept on drifting. Joker stretched his hand onto his face, and slowly wiping the blood away.

"I can put some first aids," I said.

"I can manage, doll."

"Let me help you anyway."

Jack sat down at the edge of his bed in front, with bent body as her both forearms were against his laps.

"The medicine kit was over there," he said.

I went towards his work-table and the medicine-kit was sat upon it. Quickly, I took it.

"What have you done?" I asked when I finally came closer to him, while putting the kit on the bed beside him.

Joker made a half smile to me, "Doll please don't ask me," he uttered in a low husky voice as his dark, blue piercing eyes were staring at me — deeply.

I cleared my throat then I went inside of his bathroom to soak a piece of cloth on the water. After that, I went back where Joker was sitting.

"Raise your head so that I can reach you," I exclaimed; he then lifted his head toward me. "I will wipe the blood away so that I can clearly see your wound."

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