From Protector To Lady Chapter 17

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I stared at the men marching away until I could no longer see them. My jaw was set strong as I struggled with myself. A piece of me almost felt as if it was marching away with the men as well, being held in the hand of their leader, the Arms Master.

Shaking my head, I turned to return inside to the palace. I was surprised to see Philip standing a small distance behind me, hands in the pockets of his slacks.

"You are upset he's leaving," he stated simply.

"I don't know what I am, Philip. I can hardly think clearly," I said, pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers.

"You care for him, don't you?" He asked, his shoulders sagging.

"Philip," I sighed. "I honestly cannot tell you, for I don't know myself. Perhaps it is a good thing he will be leaving for some time, it will allow me the time to get my priorities straight once again. I cannot be bothered with fancying over anybody, it is not worth it," I spoke.

"Isn't it?" he asked, palms up. "And what would you know, truly, about being in any type of relationship with a man? How can you disregard it so, when you have not experienced it for yourself?"

"Well, it is just that. I have never been in ties with a man and I am still alive, heart beating strong and happy. I do not need a man and that will not change," I said strongly.

"So explain why it is you searched desperately for Stanton and watched with sad eyes as he rode away?"

"It was only a temporary, I would not even call it that. It was simply confusion, nothing was meant to come from it and nothing will. Now that he is gone and can no longer play games with me, I can go back to my duties with full concentration. After all," I walked towards him, clapping him on the shoulder. "Out of sight, out of mind." I walked away from him, towards the castle, hoping to find some peace.

"Perhaps. Or perhaps absence shall make the heart grow fonder," he called after me quietly, just barely loud enough to hear.

Shaking my head in denial, I tried to ignore the feeling of dread that was settling in my gut, trying to convince me that the prince was right.


"Alright men, set up camp," I ordered as I dismounted from my horse. We had been traveling and scouting for almost thirteen days and we had finally found the perfect location to set up a camp.

It was only an hour's ride from the main camp of Vodnik but easily concealed in a thick hash of an overgrowth of trees and bushes.

"Well, this is it, eh Stanton?" I heard as one of my closest companions and fellow soldier stepped up to me.

"It is, we will not fail this, Briar," I spoke to the muscular man, he almost matched my height.

"I believe you are right, I have a different feeling about this one, I think things shall end in our favor," he said, his dark eyes shining with that familiar glint I knew well. Imagining the honor that would come from finally slaying Vodnik.

"Yes, it will take time and it will not be easy. It will be a hard fight. It will not be so easy as killing Vodnik and moving on. No, we will have to fight our way through his men to reach him, I'm sure he will be heavily defended," I said as I unstrapped Jack's saddle, sliding it down onto the ground.

"I look forward to it. So do the rest of the men as well, they are buzzing with anticipation, this is the battle they've been waiting for," he said as he rubbed down Jack's haunches.

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