From Protector To Lady Chapter 38

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Hey hey hey,

Here's the next part! Let me tell you guys, I am just getting more and more excited about this story as I go. It's just really starting to get into the thick of things!

That being said, please vote and comment, I love hearing your responses, and as you know, the more feedback I get, the quicker I update! (In case you haven't noticed the increased frequency in the last few updates :P)

Anyways, you guys are uh-ma-zing! 
P.s. if you like this story and haven't read my other story The Rivalry yet, I highly encourage you to, if you love this story you'll love that one as well!

That's enough chit chat - let's get on with the story!


"These wounds look slightly red and inflamed, a small infection may be setting in. I'll need to apply a poultice," the doctor, Robert Mattson, spoke the next morning after he had removed the bandages on Rebecca's legs.

I hadn't slept a single minute throughout the night. I had stayed by her side, wiping down her face, waiting to see if she would wake. She hadn't. She hadn't stirred at all, she hadn't moved an inch. The only sign of life she had at all was her chest slightly, slowly, rising and falling.

"I have herbs in my bag," the doctor mumbled as he pulled out a mortar and pestle and began mashing up green herbs of some kind, adding water to it when he was done to make a thick paste.

He applied it generously to her shins, stopping just below the knee. Her knees were still slightly swollen but they seemed to have shrunk in size, if only just a little bit.
The gashes on her legs did look worse than they had when he first bandaged them. Some of the spots where dirt and rocks had embedded into her legs were rimmed with red, sign that infection was in fact beginning to set in.

After he applied the paste he bandaged her legs once more.

"We will need to check these again halfway through the day and again once before the bedtime hour," he explained as he put his things away. He placed his hand on Rebecca's forehead and lightly felt her face. He took out his baton stethoscope and listened to her chest. A slight scowl set itself upon his brow.

"Does the poultice always help?" I asked.

"Many times, yes. It depends on how far along the infection gets before you catch it. Her legs are in good shape yet, just the beginnings of infection. She doesn't seem to have broken a fever. Have you noticed her break out in a sweat at all?" he asked, turning to me.

"No, I tended to her all night, I noticed no sign of sweats," I responded, running my hand over my face as I sighed. I was exhausted.

"Good news. I only hope she wakes soon so she may eat and drink something. I fear she loses more and more strength the longer she remains in this state. When she wakes, she will need to drink and eat. It's likely she will barely have the energy to do that for a while but we must insist. For her to gain any strength back she needs rations as well as rest," Robert explained.

"Yes. How long can she remain like this?" I asked. I knew what would happen if she didn't wake to eat or drink.

"Unfortunately, only a day or so more. I'm assuming that they had her for a few days?" he asked, referring to the mercenaries.

I only nodded to answer him. A day or so, that was so little time. If Rebecca didn't wake in a day or so, it was possible that she would never wake.

My heart dropped into my stomach just imagining the possibility that she may not wake up. How had I allowed this to happen? She was with me the day she was abducted and I wasn't able to protect her from the ambush. She had dreaded marrying me, a life forced upon her that she never wanted. And now I possibly gave her not only that but an early death. What a poor excuse for a husband I had been.

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