From Protector To Lady Chapter 36

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NOTE:  I did some editing to part 34. I changed the timeline up a bit - I did not like that I skipped forward to the year anniversary so quickly and changed it to having been only three months since their wedding. The proposal from Stanton still happened, just a little bit differently. ANYWHO, here's the next part. 

I'm on Christmas break from college right now and it is faaaabulous! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

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"Sir, a letter has arrived for you," one of the maidens said as I dined on breakfast in the empty dining room. Rebecca had now been gone for three days with no word. My men found nothing last night, there were no rumors or talk surrounding Tarantsmo.

I set my spoon down, pushing my hot oats aside. I had insisted on making my way down to the dining room this morning. My shoulder still throbbed but I would not lay in that bed any longer. I felt well enough and strong enough to carry on normal activity.

My eyes grew wide and anger instantly rose in my throat, my breathing labored as I attempted to control the rage boiling within me as I read the letter that had been delivered.

"Colin!" I whispered.

The messenger, who stood waiting until I dismissed him, quickly rushed to my side.

"Yes, Duke?" he asked, his eyes wide and curious.

"Go fetch Knight Haythem, tell him to meet me here immediately. Then go to Tess Morin and tell her that the time has come. I will update her when I return."

"Yes, sir," the young man said as he scurried out of the room, hurrying away to his first destination.

I walked up to my chambers and immediately began to change. I put on traveling britches and called a maiden in to help me change into a new tunic, my shoulder still tightly bandaged and my arm in a sling, resting against my abdomen. I cursed myself for being injured, for having a weakness. I put on tall riding boots and made my way to the armory where I strapped a short sword on my right side, the side with my functioning arm. I was thankful that my strong arm remained uninjured.

After dressing I made my way downstairs, pleased to be greeted by one of my men. James Haythem. He was my second in command and one of my most trusted men, I was lucky to have him in Tarantsmo with me.

"What is it, Stanton?" he asked, as his hand rested on his sword, I was glad he was wearing his armor.

"We are going to get Rebecca. I just received a letter saying she is being held for a ransom and that I am to meet a middle man in Belmonte. We need to get there as soon as possible," I said as I took off to one of the rooms of the manor. I quickly ruffled through a trunk and pulled out a large coin purse. Typical mercenaries, demanding coin.

"Belmonte? Where have they taken her, there's nothing but green country and scattered small villages," Haythem mumbled.

"Yes. Somewhere secluded. I cringe to think at what they may have done to her up until this point," I replied, my voice laced with anger. What condition would I find her in?

"Why don't we call the reserve here in Tarantsmo?"

"I can't – if I try and bring any band of men with me, the deal is off. The middle man won't reveal themselves to me and they'll kill her. We need to leave, now," I urged, putting the coin purse into a small traveling sack and rushing out to exit the manor.

Haythem quickly mounted his horse that was waiting outside the manor as I rushed to the stable. I waited as Max saddled Jack as quick as he could and hopped on him, kicking his sides and rushing him to a full cantor.

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