Issue #8: Memories...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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Thunder rumbled in the distance, an officer walked slowly along, his hands on his flashlight and gun. DNR officers didn’t always carry a gun, but it made Pete Denver feel a little more confident as he walked along in the night, his blonde hair and blue eyes carefully catching every sound and move. A lake glittered on the shores edge.

 There was rustling in the bushes. He turned, his hands lay on his gun, adrenaline spiking in his veins. A simple bunny hopped out of the bushes. Pete, whose heart had been racing, quickly relaxed. He smiled and turned his head. God, sometimes he was an idiot.

He laughed, then lightning struck. It was only half a mile from him. 

“Jesus Christ!” The man turned and ran, if he made it back to base, maybe he’d be okay. But as he ran he tripped, and stumbled upon a man, whose eyes glittered red. Blood and feathers littered the area. Thunder roared and the wind howled. In between the flashing lights and thunder, Pete Denver was torn apart.




Sam and Dean stood in a dark alley, their faces were so familiar and comforting. I stared at them and focused more on Sam. He was bleeding. Why?

 The memory slammed me like a rock, he had been attacked by a Hellhound and I had saved him. I watched Dean’s face turn from relief to horror,  “HOPE NO!!”

I felt a blade sink into my back. “That’s for everything, you miserable b*tch” A velvety voice breathed into my ear. Crowley pulled the blade out with a sickening sound.

 The demon blade I held clattered to the ground

 I landed onto my knees.

 Sam and Dean both ran to me. Sam caught me into his bloody arms.

  Searing pain filled my chest, and exhaustion hit me.

“No,” Dean pleaded, “Please!”

 I extended my hand, and shaking Dean took it and leaned over me.

 “It’s gonna be okay,” He ran his arms over me and pulled me into a tight hug. My eyes rolled and I felt faint, still I fought it and extended my hand for Sam.

Tears stained Dean’s shirt and they rolled down Sam’s cheek.

I took a shaky breath. “Everything will be okay,” I lied to him, but part of me hoped it was true. Shattered I looked at them, I was going to lose them both, “I love you guys,”


But instead of finding relief in death, the pain wouldn't stop. It was continuous, the flashes and the horrible ripping sound as the blade had sunk into my back. 

I thought to myself, the pain would never stop. This is my hell...


My heart pounded in my chest. I gripped it tightly, afraid blood make start spilling out of it. I started to hyperventilate; I was in the darkness, all alone. Sam and Dean were gone. Was I dead? Immediately I stood up and ran towards the wall. My hands fell on the light switch and I flipped it on.


I took a breath of relief as I sat on the bed. Trying to collect my thoughts which was harder than ever with my heart pounding in my chest and adrenaline rushing into me. At least my heart was still beating. I looked in the TV’s reflection. My eyes were glowing bright blue, my spine aching in memory.

After an hour or so I began to relax. Forcing myself to rise, I got dressed and went down to the lobby. Paul and Steve were all standing in the breakfast lounge with their camera’s and video recorders. They reminded me of the Ghostfacers, but I liked Ghostfacers better, even though they had tazed and kidnapped me at one time.

I grabbed a fork and some eggs and bacon, sitting down in the corner to eat. I heard Steve speak up.

 “Can you believe it, Paul?” He said in surprised tone.

 “I know,” Paul answered, “It’s not every day a DNR officer gets struck by lightning.”

 Me having been listening, nearly choked on my eggs. “What do you mean? Is he okay?”

 “I don’t know, I just heard it on the radio.” He held the wireless thing up in the air. I swore to myself, I needed to buy myself one, they were convenient.


“Why?” Paul asked arrogantly, “You gonna go check out the story reporter?”

“What?” I stared at them confused.

“We saw the camera in the car.” Steve answered. “So whatever we find you’ll probably go report it.”

Anger hit me in a flash, “Someone is hurt or even dead and you’re worried I’ll steal your story!? What the hell is the matter with you!?” I growled, the daemon inside me resisted coming forward, I knew my eyes weren’t glowing which was lucky considering how mad I was.

“All right,” Paul apologized, “We’re sorry, we didn’t mean to sound like asses.”

“Well you failed,” I huffed. “Now where did this happen?”

“Grayling State Forest.” Steve answered.

“Good.” I growled and ran to my room. I was going to need my car keys.

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now