Issue #5: Paranormal Society...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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The aurora pulled down the scenic road.

 I keep on thinking that it’s all good and all over now…

 You keep on thinking you can save me…save me

Seether screamed Country. I sighed, pulling off to the side of the road. Feathers floated from the sky and littered the road in blood. Crows and doves lay with broken necks. What had done this to them? Well traffic driving through for one thing, they ran over the already dead birds and created an even bigger mess.

People stood alongside the road with a shovel in their hands. They attempted scraping them off the road. I turned away in disgust. It was like Dove pancake with a side of crow. Nice.

“No comments!” A DNR officer growled. I turned and saw a couple of shaggy looking guys bugging the man. “Go home and let us clean up.”

“But sir!” The one Indian looking guy pleaded, he looked about 18, “We need to know, this is an interview for the Paranormal Society.”

“There was nothing paranormal about this, now get the hell outta here before I call the cops for harassment.” The DNR officer growled. I had been holding a camera, I was going to impersonate a reporter; but seeing how well that was going for the geeks I pitched my camera back into the car. Role to play now, innocent bystander.

 Paranormal Society? Did that even exist? I scoffed, yeah, probably broadcasting straight from Mommy’s basement. Still I walked forward with interest.

“I thought it was just a lightning strike,” I said innocently, folding my hands behind my back.

 The DNR officer nodded to me with interest, “It was miss—“

 “Call me Irene,” I said, lying about my true name and my eyes fell on a dove which hadn’t been ran over in the road. “This one doesn’t look like it was struck by lightning,”

 “It wasn’t,” One of the geeky guys answered, he was short, with curly hair, “This has happened the past month all within’ thirteen miles of each other,” His speech was so-matter-of-fact, reminding me of a professor. It was rather annoying.

“Mmm-hmm.” I said lamely and dug into my pocket and pulled out my gloves. “This one looks like it stroked out, doesn’t it?” The latex gloves snapped onto my hands and I knelt down onto the ground turning the bird on its side.

“Are you a veterinarian?” The DNR officer asked, kneeling down next to me, I shook my head, “Kinda.” I said briefly, taking my thumb and pried the bird’s eye open. It was red. I pulled back in surprise.

“Holy sh*t,” There was something paranormal alright, the guys circled around me with interest.

 “Believe us now Irene?” The shaggy man asked mockingly, I rolled my eyes. Of all fake names I chose my sisters middle name. Why couldn’t I have picked something simple?

“Doubt it,” I lied, knowing it was something. But they couldn’t pry into this, people get hurt.

  The DNR officer glared, “Didn’t I tell you to leave.”

“Alright, we’re going, aren’t we Steve?” The scrawny guy said, “But we’ll be back.”

 They walked past me, handing me a business card. I looked at it and tried not to laugh, tucking it into my pocket.

 Him and Steve left, leaving me with the DNR officer, he had dark colored skin, and green eyes, about 27. Honestly he was rather cute.

 “So, what brings you this far north?” He asked.

 “Simply curiosity. I’m in the field of Biology and this is quite a phenomenon.” I answered.

“Well, Irene.” He said calmly, “At least you’re not some paranormal nut, talking about aliens and ghosts.” He scoffed, “Seems like that’s all some folks are good at.”

I nodded, before my experience last year I would have been saying the same thing. “You know of a good diner around here?” I asked curiously. The man nodded.

“Sure, about 5 miles down the road.” He pointed in the direction. “Its called Carol’s Diner. They have a mean burger.” I smiled and nodded.

“Well it was nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

“See you around.” I smiled and took out my keys, heading towards my car.

“Perhaps the next conversation we’ll have won’t be over road kill.” The DNR officer chuckled. I smiled.

“Perhaps.” But I hoped it wouldn't be me getting caught up in my lies either.

 The engine purred and I pushed down on the pedal, heading down the road with never ending pines. The sky was gray and I could hear thunder rumble in the distance.

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