Hunter's Wake [Part Two]...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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"Hey I got something!” Breanna declared, stopping Sam as Hope and Dean wandered back into the  room.


“What is it?” Sam asked leaning down over her shoulder as she pressed play.

A woman’s voice called hauntingly through the phone, “Free me…free me.”

“Where’d that come from?” Sam asked curiously.

Breanna went back to missed calls and froze as she pulled up the digits, which weren’t even digits really.

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“Where in the hell is there a number like that?” Dean asked looking at the slash lines on the call back notice.


“Well we’ve been through every square inch of this place,” Dean said in frustration. I snarled in agreement, swishing my tail, we had not found a damn thing either, making this trip a waste. All we knew was Annie lost her cell phone and this place was covered in blood.


Breanna sighed continuing to mess with Annie’s phone while Annie and Bobby watched them carefully.

Dean continued his complaints, “No bodies—No pieces of bodies—No Annie. A whole lot of sizzle and no steak.”

“A Quesadilla with no queso,” Breanna added.

Hope shapeshifted as she brushed the dust off her jeans, “Well that’s some weird ways to put it, but yeah.”

Sam ran his flashlight over a dusty bookshelf, “Well maybe no news is good news.”

“What do you mean?” Breanna asked,

“Meaning…maybe she’s just not here.” Sam explained. “Maybe she’s still okay,” He said hopefully.

“Yeah,” Dean said gruffly, “But what does your gut say?”

Sam ignored him, “Let’s just see if there’s anything else in her research.”

“SAM!!” Annie cried, “DEAN!!!”

Bobby looked sympathetically in their direction as they exited the room, “Honey don’t cha think I tried that? I shouted myself hoarse.”

“But I’m right here!” She snapped in frustration.

“Well,” Bobby shrugged, now you know how all the ghosts who’ve ever talked to us feel. You just have to wait until they find you.”

Until she would find her own body, she wouldn’t even stand a chance of resting in peace, “But I don’t even know where I’m at!” She argued throwing her arms off to her sides, “I’ve searched every room five times—no wonder they’re walking away.” She realized.


Dean sat in the driver’s seat, “So, where did Annie get all of her intel?”

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now