Issue #67: Blood Roses [Part One]...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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Sorry about the slow updates on this one. Its just been really hard to concentrate on multiple stories. For those of you still reading are awesome and some of my most dedicated fans, thank you. :)

The well groomed Latino woman sat back in her white leather chair, crossing her legs as she stared carefully at the camera. She smiled sweetly, ready to do her report.

Business Watch with our own Gloria Jane…

“Thanks Phil, and now we turn our attention to Agriculture. Where an unlikely personality has now come down to the scene in a major way…”

The screen changed, showing her live interview with Dick Roman only moments ago.

I gave a disgusted growl, you can’t be serious. I was ready to change the channel on the old box television when Dean swatted my hand and I glared at him.

“Excuse me?” I scoffed, “Do that again and see what happens.” I warned. I might be his girlfriend but I could still kick his ass.

He put his fingers to his lips, trying to ignore me. We were still at Rufus’s cabin, and he had an antennae television, basically free TV. It only got four channels, but it was still better than nothing. Unfortunately all they had on tv was Dick. Dick Roman, the nasty Leviathan who had this insane plan to drug the human population and turn us all into happy meals.

“Oh come Dean, all they’re talking about is how this moron is taking over agriculture, so he can eat us all eventually,” I snapped. “You remember Michigan don’t you?”

He gave a bitter nod, also remembering Dick Roman pulling a gun on me. Dick Roman had been working with other Interlopers, stealing herds of cattle and using them as test subjects for some new chemical compound that would kill people that ate it. The television continued to broadcast, despite our conversation.

“You just purchased Sucrocorp, one of the highest leaders in high fructose corn syrup.”

 This time I paused, listening intently. This was going beyond meat products that he was drugging.

Dean looked at me, wondering where the hell Dick’s plan was leading.

Gloria Jane folded her hands collectively, “So Dick, tell me, what’s this fascination with Big Foods?”

“Well it’s no secret we all love to eat,” Dick replied, This made my stomach turn, did he really enjoy all of these petty puns? Its as if he knew we were watching, and he loved toying with us. “Now Sucorcorp will focus more on eating well.”

Yea they’ll focus more on eating us well. Though I supposed I didn’t classify in the “us” category, being an Interloper.

"Can you help me connect the dots?” The reporter asked, “how can pumping sweeteners into us make us healthier?”

“One word.” Dick retorted, “Purity.”

I scoffed as he continued his game. It was rather annoying listening to him rant about it all and sounding genuine.  

“And that’s why we work so hard into getting America tasting better.” He added at last, making bile fill my mouth in disgust. Did he really just say that?

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now