Issue #19: Connection...a Supernatural TLN Sequel

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I looked at the numerous stores and cocked my head to the side, an idea beginning to stir inside me. “Where do you want to go first?” I asked curiously.

She shrugged, “I dunno, where do you want to go?”

I grinned, "Just follow me."

One thing that I had missed about the other world that I could actually get in this one was the journal I had left behind. I had been looking everywhere for one like the one before, but if anywhere had it, it would be Barnes and Noble. My favorite store in the joint.

Soon as I walked in I could smell parchment and coffee. This place was combined with Starbucks, I think all of them are nowadays. My eyes flicked around and decided to head off in a direction.

Breanna held back, “Hey, I’m gonna go look at Manga, you have fun doing whatever’s.” She was a crazed anime fan. I wasn’t exactly opposed to the books but the idea of reading from back to front to right to left really confused me, so I didn’t bother.

“Ok.” I replied and she trotted off in her flat shoes, some red ones that reminded me of Oz. I knew she wanted to ask me more questions, but we had the whole day for her to bug me.


We split up and I went to the notebook section. I would have looked at lore books but that wasn’t what I was in for today. I found a few leather bound books and then one that looked exactly like it, except it was black. I sighed and continued searching. It wasn’t here…maybe I wasn’t meant to find it. Oh, well.

Suddenly I was cracked upside the head with a book.

 I turned around, pissed and ready to kill.

Breanna pointed an accused finger at me. “You just made up that whole story about Dean and Sam didn’t you!?”

What the hell makes you say that!?” I snapped. Breanna suddenly took a step back scared. My heart raced when I realized it was because of my eyes. They were flickering as I felt the daemon inside me wrestle with the idea of slapping Breanna upside the head. Immediately I closed my eyes tightening them and forced myself to slow down, calm myself.

 “Maybe you weren’t making it up.” She breathed. “But I thought for sure you did!”

 My heart had calmed I opened my eyes again.


“Is there a problem here ladies?” A big older fellow was looking at us. He was the manager. Great. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

 Breanna laughed nervously. “No sir! Just a misunderstanding that’s all.”

 I rubbed the back of my head painfully as I watched this manager check Breanna out, pervert.

Anger hit me and I wanted to punch this guy for even looking at her. He was way past being twice her age! “Alright.” I growled. “We will be sure to let you know if we need any assistance.”


The man nodded, and thankfully got the hint and left.


I glared at Breanna. “Why did you think I lied to you?”


She looked embarrassed, “Because of this, I found it on my way over to the manga section.” She handed me the book she had brutally beat me with. At first I thought it was an anime book she had attempted to kill me with until I saw it was a normal paperback. Soon as I read the title, my heart skipped a beat.




I opened the book and read the first three words.

 22 years ago….


“Holy crap they have a version of it here!” I was so excited I could have hugged her. “Show me where you found it!”

In the Life Afterword: A Supernatural The Long Night SequelWhere stories live. Discover now