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I wrapped my arms around Marcos neck. I closed my eyes inhaling his smell one last time before I boarded the plane.

It was my 3rd time going back to see my family in the year. I spent time flying back and fourth from Germany to my homeland, it wasn't no problem. This time I was going there and bringing my stuff back because I finally decided to stay and live with Marco. My home was where he was. Wherever he was I wanted to be all t he time. 

My parents especially my mother was warming up to the idea of me dating Marco more and more. She didn't scowl at his name as much even asked how he was doing sometimes. The biggest progress was when she spent the whole hour speaking to him on the phone.

"Call me when you land safely." He whispered in my ears.

I pulled away setting both my hands on his cheeks. The hair trickling against my palm. "Of course."

"I love you." He kissed me briskly. "Never forget that."

"I love you" I said to him. The speakers went off calling for my flight once more. "I'll see you soon."

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a box wrapped in blue and red wrapping paper. "Heres an early Christmas present since I won't be seeing you, don't open it atleast till your on the plane preferably when your with your parents."

"You didn't have to." I looked at him. "You're already the best gift ever."

"I needed to." He grinned. "No go before you miss your flight." He shoved the box onto my palm.

I grabbed my carry on luggage and the box and sent him a smile.


I sat on the plane looking out the Window. The box on my lap staring up at me.

I wanted to wait I really did, but I felt like Pandora and that was the box.

My knees bounced against the seat and before I could stop myself I opened the box.

A black box with gold writing was inside. I held it out and opened the box, inside was a diamond ring. Inside the box was also a tiny folded paper.

I was planning on asking you to marry me on Christmas day but I wanted you to atleast think about it.

There was no need to think about anything. He was the love of my life. Of course I will marry him.

I didn't hesitate to put the ring on my finger. It was a bit big but there was a place for me to get it resized.

I loved Marco and nothing else mattered.


The End

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