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Adisa had been acting extremely distant since that day she left her fathers orphanage. And to make matters worst Keith tried to get me to stop hanging out with her. he thought people would get the wrong impression. Maybe I wanted for people to get the wrong impression, maybe that was my goal while being here.

After she and I finished watching the hilarious movie kicking and screaming, I hadn't really played FIFA in awhile and I brought my xbox and everything with me hoping to find someone that could actually beat me at this game. I've went through all my friends and teammates and none have seem to even gotten close to outscoring. The only person that manage to score 3 goals against me was Erik and I still thrashed him 5-3. you can I am a pro.

"what's all these buttons mean?" Adisa looked down at the controllers in her hands. She looked as confused as a child. It was quit adorable to be honest and I've always wanted to teach a girl how to play FIFA.

"Here, I'll show you the steps." I moved closer to her.

I wrapped both my arms around her, covering my hands over both hers on the controller. My heart was beating twice as fast one and my palms were beginning to sweat like hell.

"uh" I cleared my throat. "The red b is to shoot, blue button is to pass short pass the yellow is to header. And these two sticks are to move around and pass opposite players and yellow when your defending allows you to slide tackle as well."

"Okay." Her voice sounded unsure and that gave me a reason to keep my arms around her longer than it should be.

After a very slow start we were playing with intensity that I didn't know she had in her. Adisa was more competitive than I thought she was. She slide tackled my team like crazy, and to my advantage one of her players got a red card. She chose to go play with Bayern Munich and I had Dortmund of course. She wanted them because she knew they were my rivals and tried to get under my skin with them only to have Jerome Boateng slide tackle Immobile the wrong way and the ref gave him a red card and they were now playing with 10 men.

"aw is that little you?" Adisa asked, as I played myself in the game going passed bastian and xavi Alonso only to have Manuel Neuer, yes the goalkeeper come out and slide tackle me to my death and the referee in the game didn't do anything about it. He let it go. I could of broken a leg.

"you nearly injured me." I shook my head. "So evil."

she stuck her tongue out at and slapped down my controller.

"you are evil and a cheat." I said as I tried to grab hers away from her hands. She pulled it back so I only had a small but firm grasp on the edge of the controller and we pulled it backwards.

"looks who talking." She grinned, I finally pulled away her controller. I started messing with the players as I back passed the ball to Manuel Neuer who passed it back only to score an own goal on himself.

"I win." I laughed.

Another thing I learned about Adisa this evening was that she was crazy strong. I found myself being pinned on the couch with her hovering over me within seconds and I had no idea how fast that happened. one things for sure was my breathing stopped and I held my breath as I watched her, curious as to what she'd do next.

she licked the bottom of her lips before getting off of me. "you are the cheat here, Marco Reus."

"takes one to know one." I winked at her.

she laughed. her laugh was something else. It was almost like a low chuckle and for some reason it was really contagious. I found myself laughing with her.


"marco what time is it?" Adisa asked looking out the window at the dark sky. Time had passed so much that I didn't notice that it was already night. It felt like she's been here for 5 minutes.

"It's 9:38" I looked at clock on the wall.

"oh my. I've better get home."

"It's late though." I looked at her. "It's way to dangerous for you to go home by yourself."

"I'll be fine."

"I don't trust the night time."

"so what? I'm just suppose to stay here?" She asked.

"I mean yeah." I answered. "I could even get you a room if you'd like."

"you don't have to and I don't want you to spend your money on me." She crossed her arms.

"Then stay here. I'll take the couch." I grinned. "It could be a sleepover."

"What are we 14 year old girls?"

"you know you want to." I chucked a pillow at her.


marco is boyfriend goals.

Race // marco reusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora