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"yes mum, everything's going great with Marco and I." I said through the line. I walked back and fourth through the kitchen with the landline glued to my ears.

"is he treating you okay?" She asked.

"yes, he's treating me great." I answered. "he really loves me."

"when are you coming home?" She asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. everything is going so great here." It has been exactly a month now that I've been in Dortmund. My mum called me nearly everyday to see whether i've changed my mind about Marco. But I kept my answer the same.

"you surely just can't stay there forever." She replied. "you can have 3 more weeks then you must come back."

"mum what?" I asked, she was being ridiculous.

"well yeah, we've got to discuss this relationship. I'm not telling you to come back I'm demanding you come back 3 weeks time." She said, when she put her foot down we all knew there was no way of saying no.

I rolled my eyes sighing. "fine but how am I supposed to tell Marco?"

"tell Marco what?" Marco's voice came from the living room. He must of been back from his training already. I looked at the clock and it was 3 pm indeed he was back.

He appeared in the kitchen still dressed in the black and yellow Dortmund colors, he leaned onto the island looking expectedly at me.

I pulled the phone away from my ears covering it. "I'm on the phone with my mother." I told him. I brought it back to its place. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Marco just got back from practice." I quickly pressed end before she could even reply. I sighed setting the phone down and walking around the counter to greet him with a hug and kiss on the cheek. "how was practice?" I asked him.

"Practice was practice." He replied. "What are you supposed to tell me?"

I ran my lips over my mouth. I sighed shaking my head. "Uh..nothing."

"Adisa." He said dryly. "I am not stupid so you might as well tell me before I call her myself."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, my mother wants me home in a few weeks and she's not asking me, she's telling me i've got 3 more weeks."

"You're an adult, you can say no." he took my hands in his.

"she's my mother, marco." I said.

"and i'm your boyfriend." He replied.

I sighed, removing my hands from his and softly brushing it against his cheeks. "I know. I'll talk to her about it again tomorrow and hopefully we can sort something out. I really do miss her, maybe I can just go back to visit for awhile."

"and bring more of your stuff here." He grinned.

"are you?" I raised an eyebrow looking at him.

"yeah." He nodded. "I want you to permanently move here."

"wow, um Marco." To say that I was surprised was an understatement. sure i've been staying here for awhile, but I was going to go back to my parents home at then end of all this.

"oh come on, you already practically live here." Marco chuckled. "We might as well already give you a key."

"my mother is going to kill me, but okay i'll move in with you." I nodded, my cheeks were now beginning to hurt at how much I was smiling.

"she's going to hate me more than she already does."

"oh marco, she doesn't hate you." I looked at him. "she just doesn't like you."

"that makes it so much better." He said sarcastically.

"she'll get over it and love you, trust me."


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