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a millions things were running through my head at the moment. did Adisa lie to me when she told me she was single? But most importantly did I have feelings for her? and was that the cause of me having all these emotions running through my body. It was an understatement to say if I was jealous because I was beyond jealous of this Felix guy.

Adisa made even harder when she did not return my call later that day after her mum told me about her new fiancé. Her not calling back only confirmed what her mum said even more.

my phone rang. I grinned to myself. It was most likely Adisa calling to explain everything and tell me not to worry because she was not engage or anything like that.

"Adisa?" I answered the phone.

"Adisa? who's Adisa?" My heart sank.

"oh hallo Mario."

"It wonderful to hear your voice too, marco." I heard people talking in the background, he was most likely with his bayern teammates. They were currently in Qatar for their winter training before the bundlesliga kicked off again in February.

"sorry Mario, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. How are you?" He answered.

"Kind of tired." I ran my hands a crossed my face.

"How's Uganda?" He asked.

"It's better than I expected to be honest." I admitted.

"so are you going to tell me about who this Adisa is?" He chuckled. "Or do I have to get Jerome and Bastian on your ass about it because I can, they are a foot away from me."

"That won't be necessary."

"I am your best friend for a reason." He said.

"fine." I sighed. "She's this girl that I met here."

"there? In Africa?" He sounded surprised. Of course he would be. "is she erm African?"


"and you like her?" He asked.

"Yeah." I confirmed.

"And Keith's okay with that?"

"okay if your going to be judgmental about it too then I'm just going to hang up." I was already moody enough and didn't need this.

"I'm sorry, i'm just asking" Mario said from the other line. "I don't care what she is as long as she treats you right."

"can I talk to my boy Marco?" I heard jeromes deep voice from the background.

"yeah hold on." Mario said. "hey Marco, Jerome want's to talk."

"Sure." I grinned, I knew he was about to say something to turn my entire mood around, he was just that guy.

"Hallo Marco?" Jerome voice rang through the line. "It's jerome."

"I know" I chuckled.

"All I just want to say is, once you go black, you never go back." He said and i heard roar of laughter go out from the background in the phone.

"oh thanks." I laughed.

"I miss you man, can't wait till you are back so we could kick your Borussian ass."

"I'll be looking forward to it." I grinned. "just don't cry too much when I do a stepover on you and break your ankles."

"Oh so it's like that now?"

"yeah, I bealieve so." I answered.

It had not occured to me how much I missed my friends, Germany and my family until I spent the time on the phone with Mario, Jerome, Bastian and Manu and listen to them messing around on the phone. The Bayern team really turned my night around. I even had a decent conversation with Franck Ribery, who sounded a bit funny with his German blending in with his french accent.

They all kept me away from thinking about Adisa and all this crazy stuff. I was glad that they were here to take my mind off of her. And I had tomorrow as well, I was going to be leaving Kampala for awhile and going to northern Uganda to work with UNICEF.


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