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I followed Kathy into the Dining area where there were multiple tables. I was very anxious as to what she had to say. What if she came to gloat in my face that she had Marco. I don't know what I'd do to her if she actually told me that she was together with Marco.

"I'm so sorry." Kathy sat across from me in the dining area of the Orphanage.

"Sorry about what?" I asked, other than kissing my boyfriend of course, which you should be.

"I didn't know you and Marco were dating." She said. "At first I was mad when I finally found out-"

why were you mad? you weren't dating him.

"but then I got over it" She continued. "I didn't like him like that, I only liked his image. I didn't even know him that well but he was european, cute and had alot of money and that attracted me to him "

"ok." I said.

"Truth is Adisa, I came on to him that night, I made him go to the closet with me. And I told him about my feelings- well what I thought I felt for him. And he told me that you two were together and that he didn't see me in that way. I'm really sorry, but that's when I kissed him and you came. I feel so bad, the next day I tried reaching you. he didn't even kiss back, I'm sorry if I caused something to go bad between the two of you."

my mouth hung to the ground. "Are you serious Kathy? you're sorry if you cause something bad to go between us? we broke up. He left for Germany. I'm here, we don't even talk. "

"I feel so bad, I'm honestly so so sorry, I didn't mean to do all this. I just came to Uganda to help out and have a blast. Not tear a relationship apart." She apologized again. "I haven't gotten a good nights rest knowing I messed you guys up."

I sighed. "honestly Kathy, thank you for being atleast respectful enough to come and confront me and tell me the truth but it's alittle too late."

"No it's not." My father appeared behind Kathy.

"baba, you don't-"

"Adisa, You are a grown woman I know you can make your own choices, but I'm your father and I know you like the back of my own hands. When you were with Marco I saw this spark in your eyes, you were so happy. I never saw that with Felix, you and Marco looked happy and in love." My father cut me off.

"but mama-"

"your mother will understand." My father said. "if she doesn't, I feel sorry for her, you need to live your life and not let her live it for you. Adisa, I love you and I want what's best for you and Marco is what is best for you."

"baba, I really love h-him." I choke on the words. "But he's gone."

He sat down besides Kathy and across from me. "Let me tell you something about Love, you should never give up on it. No matter what, never give up on love. Look at your mother and me, when we were younger her parents and mine hated each other but we fell in love and no matter how hard our parents tried to keep us apart we ended up together at the end."

"Thank you for understanding." I wiped away the tears. "I just don't think she will understand. She hates him, baba."

"She doesn't hate him, she just wants what she thinks is right for you. But I know it's not and I advise you to no give up on Marco."

I hated when I cried in front of people. My voice always got stuffy and my nose would run. " But you and mama were in Uganda, baba he's in Germany, another continent."

"There's only one simple answer." Kathy grinned. "you go to Germany."

my eyes widened. "no, I've never been out of East Africa before, I can't even go to South Africa, what makes you think I can handle Europe."

"You love him don't you?" Kathy asked.

I nodded.

"Well then, get your man before some blondie does." Kathy grabbed my hands squeezing it. "I am so excited, I feel like I'm watching a movie."

"baba, I have one question."

"what is it?" He asked.

"how far did Gabon make it in the Afcon and did Ghana make it to the final?" I asked.

"Gabon was knocked out in the group stages and Ghana did make it to the final against Ivory Coast?" He answered. "Why?"

"Oh no reason, I've got a phone call to make." I got up from the table and pulled out my phone.

I didn't necessarily have Pierre's number but I knew Akita did and she needed to text it to me as soon as possible. I sent her the text and waited. once she replied I ignored her question as to why I wanted her boyfriends number and just took the number.

The phone rang 3 times before anyone answered.


"hello? Pierre?" I asked.

"yeah, who's this?" he sounded like he was very tired.

"Adisa." his voice was now no longer raspy. "How'd you get my number? nevermind don't answer that, I already know how. anyways Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks." I said. "I called because remember that bet we made about Ghana making it to the Afcon?"

"yeah?" He answered.

"good, well they did and remember what the winner got?" I grinned, if only the devils horns appeared.

"yeah yeah, I get to do whatever you want. got it"

"good, cause I need a huge favor from you." I said, biting the bottom of my lips nervously. what if he didn't agree? what if he says no. then what. I refused to not at least try and save my dying relationship with Marco.

"alright, tell me."


I didn't want to make Kathy evil or rude or mean, she's super chill to me and I don't want Adisa to have any enemies.

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