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how did I get in this situation? I kept asking myself as I found myself surrounded by many woman. It was one of Mats many get togethers. He had one before every big game, to relax our minds and just let loose so we would not sike ourselves out and choke during the game.

I didn't disagree with the letting loose part but there was a different way to relax other than having girls try to give you a lap dance every two seconds or one trying to get in your pants. My was no longer about the parties, I wanted to be home with myself or at least bond with my friends, not go out and get drunk wasted and wake up to a mysterious girl. I really needed a dog or something. I was getting too lonely.

"Marco" mats called from the other side of the house. He held his girlfriend Cathy tight by the waist and a red plastic cup in the other hand.

I nodded at him, "yeah?"

"I want you to meet someone." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "no thank you, will you please let me be?"

"come on, you need to get back in the game and cathy has this great friend." He smiled at his girlfriend.

"yeah, her names trina." Cathy answered. "she's your type."

"do you even know my type?"

"Of course I do." Cathy nodded.

"correct me if I'm wrong Cathy but you think my type of swimsuit models, swedish swimsuit models." I shook my head.

"Okay that was one time only." She declared. "One time."

"I didn't know a word she was saying." I chuckled. "I think you should put this one to rest."

"Oh come on Marco, live a little." Mats egged on.

"She's over there." cathy pointed to the tall orange blonde. Her hair was platinum almost and she had this really strong tan that made her look almost orange like.

"You think she's my type?" I raised my eyebrows. "She is not my type."

"you don't even know her."

"So what" I shot at her.

"So what, don't judge a book by its cover." Cathy playfully hit my shoulders. "go over there and talk to her. "


"I kind of already told her that you'd talk to her." Cathy murmured. "She's expecting you."


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