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I walked around the house anxiously searching any sound or evidence of a human being. I searched each room, under the bed inside the closet but she was no where to be seen.

"come on Adisa, where could you be?" I walked inside the kitchen for the 5th time. I shook my head thinking of my own stupidty. How could I just leave her here when she was obviously upset, people do stupid things when they are upset me being a prime example.

usually when girls get into fights with their boyfriends the first place they go to is their best friends house to talk trash about the boyfriend and her best friend happened to be Akita who was staying with my best friend.

Without any second thoughts I grabbed my keys and ran out to my car. She had to be at their place who else did she know besides the two? okay maybe Mats and Cathy but they weren't close and she wouldn't want them in our business.

I was probably going to get caught and get a ticket fir speeding but at the moment I didn't care. What's another speeding ticket to me anyways. What's more important was having Adisa back. I parked the car behind Pierre's in the drive way. They were definitely home and she must be in there telling them about how I am such a terrible boyfriend. My fist pounded on the wooden door, I didn't even bother ringing the doorbell.

Pierre's face appeared behind the doorway. "Marco?"

"Is she in there?" I asked panting, my adrenaline was rushing and my heart was beating fast.

"uhhh.." Pierre turned around looking inside his home.

"cut the crap I know she is, let me in." I demanded.

"I don't know if she would like that." He sent me an apologetic grim look.

"You are supposed to be my best friend." I pleaded with him. "Be my best friend and let me in."

"Fine." He opened the door wider finally agreeing. "They're in the living room upstairs but if they ask you barged in and I tried to stop you."

"Gotcha." I replied entering the house.

I did not even take off my shoes, I ran upstairs to his second living room. Adisa sat on the couch with a box of tissues on her lap and one tissue on her face as Akita sat besides her holding her hand. I never felt so terrible before, my whole heart ached at the sight of her in pain. It was even an worse feeling once I realized that I was the very cause of her pain. "Adisa..i'm so sorry."

"Marco! what are you doing here?" Akita asked. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I came for Adisa." I said. I walked to the couches where they sat. "look Adisa, I didn't know she was going to come over my house anytime soon. She was a one time thing."

"Marco, its just the way she came to your house that bothered me." She replied wiping her eyes, "she was gorgeous. Dressed in i'm pretty sure designer clothes and her make up was perfect. She was perfect. She looked better for you than me and right when I found out that the two of you hooked up it killed me because maybe you knew she was better for you as well and I couldn't handle that."

"Adisa don't you get it? I love you. She was a mistake." I pleaded with her.

Akita awkwardly stood up clearing her throat. "I'm just going to go wash the dishes." She hurriedly left the living room going downstairs. I took her empty seat besides Adisa.

"I love you, but being with you is so stressful. I have to make sure I look good all the time. I have to meet the expectations for being with you and it's a thousand times harder on me because I am not German or white." She admitted.

"what expectations? Because you've passed my expectations for a perfect girlfriend. You are perfect." I grabbed her hands kissing it softy before intertwining it with my own.

"Cathy." She sniffled. "Cathy told me what is expected for being with a football star and being with you when everyone looks at you they also look at me. And if I do something wrong you get criticized for it."

"none of those stuff matter. As long as i've got you and you've got me no on else matters because it's not their relationship its ours." I looked at her. "I'm not dating the football world i'm dating you. I don't think you know how much you mean to me. I would quit football for you."

Her face dropped, it got more serious now. "Marco, you don't know how much you mean to me either. I love you so much its unbearable. Its like i'm seeing light again, you are my very own batch of oxygen. I'd give my life for you to be happy."

I leaned in kissing her passionately. "I love you so much." I mumbled against her lips. "You have no idea." I pulled away looking at her smiling. "Adisa from now on it's just you and me. No Mats, Cathy drama. Just me and you. You're my girl and I don't want to fight with you anymore."

She smiled. "Me and you."

"Let's go home." I stood up pulling her to her feet. "I owe you thousands and thousand of apology flowers."

"More like apology pancakes."



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