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my morning and afternoon was filled with watching television and spending my time on rosetta stone trying my best to learn the basics of The German language. I wanted to impress Marco and maybe even hold up a conversation with him in his native tongue.

I also called my parents, they were relieved to finally hear from me, I broke my promise of calling them as soon as I landed in Dortmund but it was fair to say that I was a little occupied and deep in my thoughts of how Marco would react when he first saw me. The call was brief with my dad and brother but my mother, oh this woman. She gave me a long lecture on being careful with wondering off, not to leave Marco's side when we were together. It was as if I was sent here for Marco to babysit me. And let's not mention the classic sex talk she gave me.

"Abstinence is what is right. I don't want to hear that he's gotten you pregnant" there's condoms here mom, was what I wanted to say but if those words left my mouth she would of stretched her hands through the phone line and dragged me back to Uganda.

I told her me and Marco weren't planning on having sex and it was absolutely true. I was still about the Abstinence, I grew up with the sex before Marriage ideology and I was and is going to stick with that concept. I wouldn't give in to Marco, no matter how wild my hormones would get.

It's funny how growing up my parents taught me that boys were evil but then all of a sudden my parents especially my dear old Mother was desperate for me to get married.

"babe are you there?" I heard Marco's voice coming upstairs where I currently occupied myself on his bed with his laptop on my stomach.

He was in his room within seconds, looking drained and tired. Practice must of been tough. "hey, had a good practice?"

"you could say that." He grinned, jumping on the bed and laying besides me. "what are you doing?"

"just e-mailing and I was on facebook." I asnwered, showing him my Facebook home page.

"You're on social media alot." He said, sitting up and resting his back on the head board of the bed. "Mats told me you followed him on Instagram today."

"Oh yeah." I was confused, was this a big deal or something? I thought Mats and I were friends.

"And Pierre as well." He said.

"and?" Is there a point to this.

"And you didn't follow me. " he pouted.

"aw are you jealous?" I asked amused at this whole thing.

"just a little."

"well you have girls all over your Instagram leaving heart eyes emojis, so hush Reus." I finally said, yeah it was kind of upsetting seeing those girls all over his page and some of them were drop dead gorgeous, looked so much better than me. It was true, being with someone like Marco could make you insecure because you wonder why he picked someone like you when he could of had any if those girls and more, models even.

"hm are you jealous?" He smirked, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"well you follow hmm lets see, Pierre, Mats, oh Jerome and Mario." His eyes was glued to the phone and his fingers touched the screen scrolling through my followers pages.

"fine lets see yours." I grabbed my own phone that was on the table next to the bed. I got onto Instagram and searched marcinho11 and Marco's page popped up. I clicked on his followers and started scrolling.

"okay lets see, megan roberts, helene fischer, julia scholes, rihanna.." I went through all the recognizable females that caught my eye.

"okay rihanna doesn't count, everyone follows her." Marco said.

"still a girl." I ignored him and continued scrolling. "you follow cathy, cathy fischer thats the same things as me following Mats."

" why are you getting so angry that I follow her, she's not my type and i'll never look at her in that way." Marco said, shutting his phone off and slamming it on the table.

"do you honestly hear yourself? why do you think I follow Jerome, Mario, Mats and Pierre? same reason you follow Cathy, because we are friends. I didn't realize just cause I'm dating you now that I cannot have any male friends, jesus Marco." I exclaimed, I couldn't believe those words just came out of his mouth.

"I'm just not comfortable with you around them." He shrugged.

"are you kidding me? They're your friends not some random group of guys if you can't trust them then You can't possibly trust me." I looked at him shaking my head.

This was a whole new Marco, a Marco i've never seen before and he was really uncomfortable to be around. "I'm mote comfortable around them then you right now to be honest." He was really turning me off at this point, it was cute when a guy was jealous once in awhile but this was a whole another level.

"what? Are you kidding me?" A form of fire flashed inside his eyes, he looked angry like I said the wrong thing that set him off and which I probably did.

The look he gave me was scarier than anything i've experienced, there was no way I was staying in a room let alone a house with this man.

"what did you say Adisa?"

I got up from the bed and ran out of his room. His voice calling after me and I heard his heavy footsteps behind me. I ran down the stairway as quick as I can before I could even open the front door he stopped me.

He pinned me up against the door. We stood there chest to chest as his eyes pierced my own. I couldn't dare look away from him. He edged closer and our bodies were now smooshed up even closer together, it couldn't get any closer. A rush of fear ran through my body as I realized the same fire was still behind his eyes.

He forcefully smashed his lips against my own and all the fear that was in my body was soon changed with confusion. His lips left mine as it met my bare neck. He kissed down to my collar bone then continued to move up to my jawbone.

"never attempt to leave me again." He growled in the kiss. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around him tight and carrying me back up the stairs.

I placed me back on the messy bed and with my legs still wrapped around his body he kissed me once again but more gentle and passionate. His hands snaked its way to my bum gently giving it a squeez.

His hands pulled on the hem of my tank top trying to remove me without breaking our kiss. He successfully did, with his talent he removed it without breaking the kiss, how? I don't know.

abstinence is what is right. My mothers words came into my mind.

I pulled away from the kiss, looking up at Marco scanning his face. " we should stop."

a hint of disappointed flashed across his face but he nodded. "Okay, anything you want."

My aunt once told me if I was about to lose my virginity to a man and I wasn't married to him and I told him no and he respected that then he truly loved me but ones that forced me into trying to have sex with them were only with me for one reason.


Race // marco reusWhere stories live. Discover now