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My parents were long asleep when I got inside my home. I didn't realize I've gotten home at 3 in the morning. I didn't think me and Marco were out that long. I wasn't exactly keeping track and to be honest it felt like we spent about 5 minutes together, 3 of those minutes spent being intimate with one another and no not intimate intimate, but intimate like affectionate like kissing. I know. I've only ever kissed one boy and that was Felix. that was it, no one else. In Uganda you never saw people doing stuff like kissing all the time. Whereas in those movies and magazines in America and Europe everyone was affectionate with their significant others.

My room was getting a bit dim and light and that's when I realized that I hadn't shut my eyes at all since getting in my room. I was just laying on my bed staring at the ceiling, while images of me and Marco ran my mind like a marathon and I could not keep the smile from entering my lips.

My mum was most likely already up, at the dawn of the morning she was the first one up preparing breakfast while the rest if us slept on. Then I was supposed to be an hour after her to help her. but I had not gotten any sleep and if I wanted some, I'd better get to it before my hour was up.


The thing about sleep was you either woke up well and refreshed or you woke up forgetting what year, time and day you are in and sometimes you end up even forgetting where you are and who you are. And that's exactly how I was when I woke up. I was confused. The sun was set high in the sky which meant it was noon and my mom did not barge into my room to wake me up. Which was a surprise and also startling. She must be up to something.

The thing that woke me up though was my phone buzzing next to me. I pulled it up and read the screen, I had several missed calls from marco. I wondered what was so urgent that he had to speak to me first thing in the morning. I would shower and freshen up first before I returned his call and that'll give my voice time to get back to its regular self unlike the yucky thing that goes on in my throat every morning when I woke up. It makes my voice deep and manly, it's disgusting really.

After my long shower, I walked to the back of the house where I knew my mother wouldn't find me. I didn't want her eavesdropping in my conversations with him.


my mother was right at my trail, I turned around to see her smiling bright. uh oh. it either that I was in trouble or I did something good and I don't think nearly spending a night with marco is a good thing to her.

"yes mummy?" I asked.

"how was your night with Felix?" She asked grinning proudly.


"your father told me when you got home that you went with Felix to spend time together." She nodded her head repeatedly. So that's why she let me sleep in, she thought I was with Felix and my father told her this. was my father actually helping me out here? He lied to her for me.

"oh uh it was fine." I murmured looking down at my sandals.

"Good good. I'm glad you are finally staying away from that boy." My mother shook her head. "I didn't want everyone to see you with him."

"What?" I demanded.

"is something wrong?" She asked.

"yeah something is wrong, I don't know why you are being extremely judgmental towards Marco." I crossed my arms, glaring at her.

"eh heh, so you think all of sudden that you are seeing this boy that you can talk to me, your mother that way?"

"I'm not taking to you like this because of him, I'm talking to you like this because you are being extremely racist." I shook my head, I couldn't believe this.

"I'm not being racist." My mother denied.

"you are being extremely hostile towards him because of his race and where he's from, yes mum you are being racist." I said.

Before I could do or say anything else, I turned on my heels going outside to the front of the house and out towards the gate. I was not going to stay around here if this was how she'd react about marco. I walked down the road, dialing on my phone. It ranged 2 times before it was picked up.


"Marco?" I asked. "can I see you right now?"


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