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"we've got this." Mats recited for the 5th time in an hour. As the captain it was his job to hype up the team before every game especially ones that was this thrilling. Bayern Munich our long time rivals. This game meant a lot to us as well as our fans. It was bragging rights. And it was on our home turf this time and not theirs, we had the home advantage.

"they won't know what hit them." Kevin agreed. "We've got this in the bag."

"Lets not jinx ourselves here." Shinji said from the side. I agreed with him, I didn't want to get way too confident and not even try. This was no ordinary team we were up against. Aside from Arsenal, they were the top team in the world.

"It's going to be a very special game, I know that for sure." Pierre grinned, looking at me.

"how so?" I asked, curious. every time he had one of those smiles on his face, it meant he was up to no good. "what did you do?"

"nothing." He shrugged. "I'm just saying, it's a special game."

"It's a nerve wrecking game to be honest." Erik said from the back. He was dressed in the black dortmund jump suit because he was still out due to injury and wouldn't be back for a few more games.

"they have ribery and robben out so we can danger them at the flanks without worrying that they could counter attack with the pace of robben and technicality of ribery and we've got our own two dangerous wingers, Marco and Auba." Mats said in our huddle. "I think we can actually do this."

"thats the problem though, even when they got two of their own key players injured they manage to bring back someone else, like Philip Lahm is way too good with reading games that he can stop both I and Pierre." I spoke up.

"awh I love him." Kevin said. "He's so cute and tiny-"



"nevermind, wrong time."


Of all the things to go wrong. I followed the rest of the team back to the locker room angry and confused. How could everything go so wrong. We played a great game yet we lost. And not to mention of all people to score for bayern it had to be Robert Lewandowski, one of our former players. It was just like Mario's first return game to Dortmund for Bayern, they both scored against us.

It was kind of heart breaking- It was very heart breaking watching someone you played against, someone that you thought put all their heart and soul in the team only to leave for the rivals then score for the rivals against you. I was lost for words, I really thought we would win or at least tie.

But Manuel freaking Neuer had to go be Manuel freaking Neuer and save everything in his path. Half the saves he made, like my free kick for example, I thought that would definitely go in but somehow, someway he got to the ball before it reached the net. I loved that man to death when he was my teammate for Germany But when was in goal for Bayern, he seemed to always find a way to surprise me.

It was good to see my national team teammates at the end though, even though they frustrated me during the game it was nice to see them. I ended up swapping shirts with Xabi Alonso at the end, I originally went for Phillip but Kevin pounced onto him before I could even manage a word out. He walked out of the stadium with Phillip's jersey like it was the Ballon D'or and he just won it.

We all kept quiet keeping our heads hung low. It wasn't like we lost bad or played bad, it was just disappointing resukt after how hard we played. Klopps gave us an honorary speech on how proud he was and how we stuck with them throughout the game, the scoreline didn't do us justice though.

"Oh, I have a surprise for you." Pierre grinned, walking up to me once Klopp left the locker room. I never could understand this man. Always so happy.

"not now, maybe later." I said.

"no, now." Pierre insisted. "just hurry up and get dressed."

"what is it?" I asked.

"can't tell you it's a surprise." Pierre shrugged. "You're going to love me forever after this one."

"Okay, Pierre, I highly doubt the surprise is that good that i'll love you forever." I smiled.

"just get dress, Reus." He shook his head. "Sh- it's outside."


you see what I did there with arsenal at the top? Haha yeah they're the best team 💕
And I was going to write the second chapter right after this and publish it at the same time but I thought Nah I should leave you guy hanging for awhile and just go with one chapter cliffhanger even though I usually update two chapters at a time. haha

Race // marco reusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora