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"how long will you be gone?" Adisa asked through the phone.

"uhhh practices don't usually last that long, no more than 3 hours." I said. I walked int the locker room, most the guys were already here. I couldn't tell who wasn't, maybe it was me who was the last one.

"alright, well i'll just occupy myself here." She said.

"don't get lost." I teased her, "I won't come looking for you."

"awh you are seriously the sweetest boyfriend in the world, I am so lucky." She said sarcastically.

"I'm only kidding, I would search for you days and night. I wouldn't rest till I've found you." I assured her. "i've got to go now." I noticed the guys were making kissy faces at me.

"alright have a good practice." she said.

"thanks, I love you." I said through the line, which earned awful cat calls and whistles from the guys who seemed to not have anything better to do than listen to me on the phone.

"I love you too. I'll see you soon, goodbye." She said before she hung up on me. I ended the call and slipped my phone onto my jacket pocket.

"who was that mhhhhm?" Mats smirked, sitting on the bench besides me. "Was it miss Adisa?"

"glad to know you finally learned her name and haven't called her Ashley." I grinned setting my stuff down on the bench and pulling out my boots.

"she's actually really cool." Mats shrugged. "not at all what I thought she'd be like and that's definitley in a good way and Cathy likes her alot as well. ."

"you and Cathy met Adisa and I didn't?" Kevin K. looked at me bewildered like I just betrayed him. "I thought we really had something Marco, but I can't even meet Adisa, she is your girlfriend again right?"

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend." I answered. "you can meet her anytime you want."

"how was she?" Kevin looked at Mats.

"She was cool." Mats answered. "She's cute too."

"Mats." I shoved his shoulders.

"What? I'm complimenting her." He said.

"You don't see me calling Cathy cute around you." I shook my head at him.

"Cathy's not your type anyways." He said.

Was I hearing things right? did he just implement that Adisa was his type?

"when does Adisa want to get the rest of her stuff from my place?" Pierre asked from the back of the locker room. "Unless she wants to continue staying there."

"I can get it after practice." I answered.

"why is her stuff at your place." Kevin asked confused. "Isnt she Marco's girlfriend unless you guys have this weird relationship."

"Kevin- shut up." Kevin G. shouted.

"you shut up." Kevin Kampl said.

Both Kevins should shut up I though to myself.

"can we please just go a practice without talking about my love life?" I groaned,

"no, because your love life is such a new thing it must be talked about until it becomes old." Mats said.

Okay how insulting. They acted as if I had no love life.

"speaking of your wonderful girlfriend, she just followed me on Instagram this morning, surprised me but I followed back instantly and took it upon myself to spam her, so i'm just letting you know now so she doesn't think I'm trying to flirt with her via instagram." Mats said.

whoa whoa whoa. Adisa had an Instagram but she followed mats and not me. we would definitely talk about this once I get home. What else did she have have that I didn't know, a twitter? And did she follow Jerome, Mario and Mats on that? I quietly chuckled to myself on how jealous I was getting. but what Mats said about her maybe being his type really rubbed me the wrong way, what if Jerome and Mario thought she was their type as well. Who else was going to think she was their type next? Pierre? the Kevins? Hell will freeze over before I let Mats get to her while I wasn't around or any of the other guys.


A jealous marco is a cute marco.

Omg guys I am pissed. Bayern and Barca drew eachother in the semi finals like wtf uefa who does that its supposed to be a bayern v barca final not semi final what in the actual world does uefa think theyre doing. Lots of girls will have no tears or hearts left after this years semifinals. Like I obviously want bayern to win but it'll be tough to watch. I don't even think i'll watch the semi final between them tbh, i'll just wait till the final to find out who made it through, so i'll most likely stay away from social media and all that crap.

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