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I couldn't stop thinking about how this would be Marco's last week in Uganda. I didn't want it to be. I had so much fun with him. We spent the whole last week together just getting to know each other more and enjoying one another's company. with him I didn't have to be a certain person, I could just be myself. We didn't care about our race or where we were from. Being with each other was all that mattered.

His party was tonight and I spent all day getting my hair laid and my make up done. I had this blue and black dress with a matching blue and black head wrap to go with it. Marco and I were going to be going together, we were going to let everyone officially know that we were together at last.

"hey are you ready?" Marco asked from outside my room. I forced him to wait outside my room while I was getting dressed, It was rather funny watching his reaction when I kicked him out of my room.

"yeah you can come in." I said as I finished putting on pink lipstick.

"wow you look gorgeous." Marco walked over to me kissing me on my temple. "but that's nothing new, you look gorgeous all the time."

"thank you Marco, you look handsome." I smiled at him. He was dressed in a simple black suit and tie. yet he still looked like a model. my boyfriend the model everyone.

"what's that?" He grinned as he pointed at the yellow jersey hanging in my closet. "is that a Dortmund jersey?"

"oh yeah, I bought one a few weeks ago." I smiled. "It reminded me of you."

"you bought my jersey? how sweet." He walked over to the closet and pick it up holding it up so he could get a better view as if he didn't know what the jersey looked like.

"we should get going, don't want you to miss your own party." I tugged the jersey away from his grasp and balled it up and threw it back in the closet.

"we could always be fashionably late." He pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"being late? not on my schedule. come on, I thought you wanted to see how Africans threw it down." I said. "Here's your perfect chance, Marco Reus."


My father took the liberty of ordering Marco and I, a private driver who would take us to the party. I could tell that he already guessed of our relationship and was so supportive of it. It made me wonder why was it so hard for my mother to accept that I was dating a white man.

Our driver got us through the horrendous kampala night traffic. we kept our hands interlocked once we reached the venue. I was by now sweating, I didn't know what my mother would do when she saw us.

"you'll be fine." Marco squeezed my hands.

"It's just my mother- she's going to say something ."

"We'll get through her." He assured. "Keith will be there too and I don't really give a shit about what he'll say. After we get back to Germany I'm getting myself a new agent."

I kissed him quickly. "Okay, let's do this."

we walked out of the car hand in hand. I forgot that there was going to be photographers there and I was too worried about my mother, and I knew by tomorrow the whole world will know about me. I don't know how I'll be able to handle all the criticism I was going to receive for being in an interracial relationship.

Just like I predicted, everyone's eyes were on us as soon as we walked through the door. whispers filled the air and people weren't even trying to hide their judgmental faces, pointing with their fingers at us and not even caring if Marco and I saw.
My mothers face was the only face I saw and it was furious. She was standing next to Felix, I didn't even know he was invited, I had no idea why he was even invited. It wasn't like he and Marco were close friends or anything like that. Opposite if anything.

Race // marco reusWhere stories live. Discover now