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I did not not think Marco Reus would permanently put me as his tour guide. It was something I wasn't expecting just like I was not expecting our friendship to flourished as it did in the two weeks we've known of each others existence. My mum wasn't all that pleased about it. She thought instead of 'running around with him' I should be focused on trying to make myself into a proper housewife for my future husband.

She was getting more obsessed with me getting a husband than anything else. She thought that if I hit the age of 28 and not married by then, then I was a goner and I'd be living with them for the rest of my life. my mum was so crazy and paranoid. Truth was, I hadn't had my heart set on getting married yet. If I truly wanted to get married, I'd be married by now, but I knew once I was married I'd have to give everything up, including my freedom to my husband.

"I've just had another chapat." Marco said through the line. He and I had been talking on the phone for awhile now and he was telling me about his obsession over the hot bread.


"And it was like I just had it for the first time again. It tasted amazing." I could feel him smiling through the other line. That crooked smile of his.

"wow marco, why don't you just move here and own a chapat stand." I rolled my eyes.

"I wish I could." He said. "Or I could hire a chapat maker and fly him back home with me."

"I could make a mean chapat." I smirked.

"I guess your coming back to Germany with me." He chuckled through the line.

"No I'm good, I actually like the sun here." I said.

"The sun is the same, Adisa." He says. "There's only one sun."

"You know what I meant." I said.

"I'm going back to your fathers Orphanage." He says. "you should come. I feel like I haven't seen you in awhile. "

" you saw me yesterday when I took you around the historical mosque."

"that was 24 hours. 24 hours is a long time." He chuckled.

"You should be lucky, I'm dropping by to give my father his lunch anyways." I lied. Okay I never gave my father his lunch. My mother always brought it for him, but Marco basically said he wanted to see me so I could do it for just today. Plus I loved the orphanage, the kids were so sweet and always cheerful.

It was quit the fight to convince my mum to allow me to take my father his lunch instead of her. She at first thought I was up to something then she knew that marco would be there and she thought I was going for him and I had to lie that I didn't know he'd be there.

"You need to stop running around with that boy." She handed me the basket full of food.

"I'm not, I'm just helping him out." I said.

"you make boys go away from you when they see you with him." She looked hard at me.

"I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just helping him out with getting around here."

"Can't he get a real tour guide, a man tour guide. " she asked.

"he's also my friend."

"Boys and girls aren't friends." She put her hands on her hips.

"Then what are you and David?" I asked of Akita's father who was good friends with my parents. And they always talked and he was always along with his wife, were invited to have dinner with us.

"He's like family."

"mhm." I said. I didn't want to speak with her any longer so I went outside and opened our gate and walked out. The walk to the orphanage was a good 15 minutes. With the food I was carrying made it 20 minutes.

My father worked for the Kampala national board and they owned the Orphanage so technically he owned it as well. I used to always go there especially when I was younger. I'd always play with the orphans. Up until I was 15.

My dad was in his office when I found him. He was with Marcos agent Keith. I seemed to have came at the right time cause that meant Keith wasn't anywhere in distance of Marco and for once he was alone. I handed my dad his food and excused myself.

I searched the grounds for marco. Until I saw him speaking to one of the volunteers that would come here once a year. She was from America. Her name was Kathy, she was around my age, which meant she was around Marco's age. From what I could hear, they weren't speaking in English at all. I didn't know what they were saying until I heard him say 'danke' which I knew meant thank you in German. They were speaking in German.

well I guess it was my time to leave. I turned on my heels and went towards the office to let my father know I would be leaving. I don't I had this weird feeling in my stomach and I didn't want to see him with some one other than me. It was difficult to explain but I just needed to go somewhere not here.

I let my father know I'd be going back home. I said my goodbyes to Keith as well and headed back to the streets. I was so excited only to be let down today. The unnatural feeling I had was still in my stomach. I hadn't experience it before and it was an awful feeling I hope I'd never get ever again.

I walked down the roads and I had no intentions of going back home anymore. I wasn't in the mood for my mums lectures and I decided on visiting my older sister Sarah who lived in Mango Hill. She had two kids already and was pregnant with her third.

My phone went off in my pockets. "Hello?"

"Adisa?" Marcos voice rang through the line. "Where'd you go?"

"oh I have plans today." I lied. "I have to go visit my sister."

"Oh, I saw you and then you turned back so quick before I could even go up to talk to you. " he said.

"Yeah, I was going to be late." I say. " I've got to go."

"no wait maybe we-"

I clicked the end and hang up on him before he finishes his sentence. it was rude and polite but the feeling in my stomach still had not gone away and hanging up was the only thing that could calm it down for a bit.


Race // marco reusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora