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Adisa and I, saw eachother in secrecy after she explained to me about her mothers sudden hatred towards me a few days ago. I as well did not want Keith to bring his negativity around Adisa as well. I did my best to try to keep her away from him as far as possible. I was due back in Germany in two weeks time. I had only few more work to do here in Uganda and then I was free to do as I please with Adisa.

The knock on my door brought my back out of my thought. I didn't remember anyone telling me they were going to visit me and the only people that knew exactly where my room was, was Adisa and Keith. I got up from my bed and walked towards the door. I opened it and let out a chuckle. Pierre Aubameyang was standing infront of me, Smiling from cheek to cheek.

"pierre what are you doing here?" I by now was smiling even bigger. I had not seen my best friend in a long time and well I missed him alot.

"what am I doing here? I'm here to visit you of course." He grinned. "can you open the door wider and let me in?"

I did as he said. "but seriously, you came all the way to Uganda to see me? you couldn't have waited a few more weeks till I was back in Germany?"

"are you not happy to see me or something?" he chuckled, taking off his shoes and throwing it to the corner.

"besides, you know the AFCON is coming up and I was on my way to Gabon and Uganda just so happens to be on the way there, so I thought why not stop here for a day or two and see my old buddy living it up in my continent." He continued.

"Oh that's right, I'll be cheering you guys on." I raised my thumb.

"so" he took a seat on the couch. "How's Uganda?"

"Not at all what I was expecting." I said. I went for my controler and Xbox and I knew I was about to have a confession session over a game of FIFA.

"Okay. let's start with the basics." Pierre said scooting ver to make room for me on the couch. " Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah" i took the seat sfter setting up the Xbox and handing him the extra controller. "I really am."

"Made any friends?"

"yeah. one " I looked down. If I kept my head up and Pierre looked at me, He would most likely catch me blushing and tease me.

" Is your cheeks turing red?" I was caught, I knew he was going to catch me. Now I had to bear to getting teased and made a fool of.

"Is it a girl?" He asked. "Of course it's a girl or else you wouldn't be blusning, unless you go that way which is totally fine with me, I don't discriminate but you might have to stay a few feet away from me while we are changing in the locker room."

"It is a girl." I confirmed. "And yeah, she's not really my friend, actually she's more than a friend, I guess she's my girlfriend."

"oohh Marco, you were getting jiggy with it in Uganda." Pierre bumped his shoulders onto my own playfully. I shook my head laughing.

"please don't say that." I chuckled.

"Where is she from?" pierre asked.

"what do you mean?" I frowned.

"I mean what part of Europe is she from?" He asked again.

"no no." I shook my head. "She's Ugandan, she was born here."

"oh my bad, I didn't think you were- nerver mind, about time you got yourself a girlfriend, I was beginning to question your sexuality."

"shut up." I said.

"What is she like? What's her name? Can I meet her?" Questions were flying out of his mouth.

"She's just amazing, her names Adisa and if you want I guess." I shrugged. "I got into a fight with Keith about her. He doesn't want me to be seen with her."

"what a dick." Pierre frowned. "I never liked him anyways."


Awh Pierre and Marco. Don't hate but I ship them more than Gotzeus 🙊 sorry not sorry.

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