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my mind was buzzing. I still couldn't get the same feeling I had leaving Uganda to leave me alone. I've been in Germany for well over a month and yet she was still in my mind 24/7. Training with the team had resumed, we already had a game coming up this weekend. I was getting dressed in the locker room while images of her ran through my mind. I've never cried over a girl before and first thing I did when I got back to Germany was cry. I didn't know I had that much emotions running through me until I entered my room.

After Adisa left me the night of the party, I tried calling her, texting her. I even went as far as going to her house, sending her flowers but she still did not want to talk to me. Keith seemed all to happy about the news but like I said after we got to Germany, I fired him.

"Marco Reus, the African Prince has arrived." kampl joked, messing with my hair. "How was your safari?"

"shut up, kev." I chuckled. " The prince is Pierre, we all know that."

"that is facts, Reus." Pierre walked into the locker room. " I am the fresh prince of Africa."

"what a name to live by" I grinned.

"how's that new girl of yours anyway, Auba?" Gundogan asked.

"How do you know I have a new girl?" Pierre asked him.

"He was being a nosey one, when you were on the phone." Kampl slung his arms around Pierre.

"But you were with me and you were just as nosey." Gundogan pouted.

"you guys need new hobbies." I rolled my eyes.

"What about you , woodyinho? how is your love life?" kampl smirked.

"that is none of your business." I told him.

"That means he has someone." gundogan smirked. "who is she? is she cute? blonde or brunette?"

"She's niether." Pierre smirked. I sent him a daring look.

"what? you know her? Auba, tell us." Gundogan was in Pierre's face.

"nah, I think that's for Marco to tell." He grinned. "But she's cool and really really pretty, isn't that right Marco?"

"shut up, you fucking cunt." I shook my head.

"atleast now you have a girlfriend and don't have to have everyone question your sexuality." Mats piped in. had Mats, had a girlfriend.

I ignored them as I continued to change into training clothes. This team gossiped more then woamn over tea. It was becoming a concern to me.

"Can we just go practice in peace?" I asked.

"Hey auba, who is she?" I heard Kampl's shout as soon as I left the locker room. I had full faith and trust in Pierre that he wouldn't just tell my secret. He knew how hurt I was. And he wouldn't betray my trust like that.

"Heyo, woody wait up." Erik Durm ran beside me.

"hey what's up bro?" I began to jog with him once we were on the field. Erik Durm was like the baby of the team, he had the baby face to go with. He was a quiet one too, but he was a fantastic defender.

"nothing much, word around the locker room is you have a new girl." He grinned.

"oh god, not this one again." I shook my head. "Don't listen to every rumor that comes out of Kevin's mouth. 80% of the time it's all false."

"And what about the 20%."

"that 20% rarely happens." I answered. "We are some grown men, gossiping away about one another's love life."

"Well I'm warning you, keep your phone close or locked away at all time, because they might be planning on going through it." Erik said.

"oh come on." I laughed. "I have a passcode, no one knows my passcode."

"you really believe that? even I know your passcode, it's 0000."

Ok. Note to self, change my passcode right after practice. "it's not."

"mhm ok. I know you'll change it right after this, so predictable." Erik chuckled.


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