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"Marco come on, chill out and relax." Mats threw his arms around my shoulder. "this is the last weekend before our games restart."

"I am relaxed."

he threw me the really look, which meant he was not convinced. "okay, there's two girls over there, I'll take one for me and you can have the blonde."

"I'm not in the mood." I looked at the two girls he pointed at. They were clumsily dancing on the dance floor, barely staying on their feet. no way I could find myself having a decent conversation with them.

"oh come on, you weren't in the mood last week." Kevin appeared besides me. "Whats the matter with you?"

"nothing." I avoided eye contact with them.

"Is it your little girlfriend?" Sahin asked, raising both his eyebrows Simultaneously.

"guys, give him a break." Pierre sat down besides me, holding two glass of clear water looking liquid in his hands. He handed me one and drank the other.

It was definitely not water, it had a strong taste to it, I'm sure it was vodka but it had a mixed of some other alcoholic beverage in it.

"Alcohol is never the answer to your relationship problems." Kevin said, grinning from ear to ear. "telling your friends all about her is."

And just when I thought he was able to stay out of my love life for awhile, I was wrong yet again. Kevin Kampl, continues to surprise me yet again. I took another long sip of the half vodka half mystery drink Pierre got me.

"it's just, I don't know what to do anymore." I began, not even trying to look any of my teammates in the eye or else they'd see the fear and pain behind mine. "I lost her, I was so stupid to follow her."

"who'd you lose and who'd you follow?" Kevin asked.

"Adisa, my girlfriend-Ex now. I left her and followed Kathy- not fischer, And she kissed me and Adisa found us."

"It wasn't his fault" Pierre intervened. "Kathy, was well she didn't know the difference between taken and single."

"Did you tell her? Adisa that?" Mats asked.

"I tried but she wouldn't listen-" I laughed, wipining the forming tears away. "I even told her I loved her."

"oh no no no, that was your mistake marco." Kevin shook his head, shaking his fingers back and fourth. "never let the girl know they are in control of your feelings no matter what. Woman are so evil and manipulative, once they know you feel the L words towards them, your life is literally in their hands now."

"I think that's enough sharing for tonight." Pierre said sternly.

"no, I just need to get everything out." I smiled weakly. "She meant- She stills means so much to me. If I could, I would of never left the party and followed Kathy there. I didn't even know she was interested in me that way."

"Not interested in you? Marco you are quit the handsome one." kevin said with enthusiasm. "In a non homo way of course."

"And people wonder about your sexuality, marco." Pierre joked.

"I was just giving the poor man a compliment, look at him he's broken." Kevin pointed at me.

"My best advice for you Marco, is if it's been too long without her, move on. she's stupid for not listening to you and taking you back." Sahin said.

"Adisa is a smart girl, She'll soon figure it out and call you." Pierre smiled. "She knows her rights and wrong."

"Wait- hold up. you've met her and I have not?" Mats asked, with a baffled look on his face. "And I thought- after all we've been through, I'm heartbroken Marco Reus."

"My girlfriend is Adisa's best friend." Pierre grinned. "I met her through Marco and Adisa."

"Oh okay, you guys go do your own thing together then." Mats shrugged. "I'm not hurt or anything. it's cool."

"This team is really something else." I grinned. "you never fail to make me laugh, Mats Hummels."

The club got even more packed once people realized that some of the Borussia Dortmund players were here. Mats wanted to hang out and have fun before we were going to hard training for our game against Bayern Munich this upcoming weekend. I was looking forward to seeing Mario, Jerome and some of my National teammates as well as Robert, who was my former Dortmund teammate last season.

Girls lined up behind the VIP rope begging to get in, with their shirts barely fitting and their skirts barely going below the thighs. I did not an attraction to these types of females at all. I wanted a girl that had self respect for herself and that girl was Adisa.

"Do I need to go tell the DJ to play Drake?" Kevin asked me. "You seem to be in the Drake mood, missing your ex."

"Shut up." I debated whether to spill the remainder of my drink on him or not, and I went with not. Kevin Kampl was a lunatic, and I didn't want to end up in a drink throwing war against a lunatic like him.

"It's okay if you want me to or you want The Weeknd? either of them will have you trying to call her back and taking blame for everything." Kevin grinned, ignoring the death glare I was sending at him.

"Check out blondie over there with the pink tube top, her breast has your name written all over it." Mats whispered to me. "go get her and I bet she could make you forget all about your girlfriend."

"Mats, I'm not like you. I'm not going to go sleep with some random girl just because I'm having a hard time" I eyed him.

"My bad, I'm just trying to help you out, jeez." Mats raised up both his hands in defeat. "you are definitely in the drake mood."

"And I think I'll just get more of that drink." I said, talking about the wierd mixture of Vodka and the mystery flavor.

"Be back soon, Sweetheart." Mats grinned.

"Shut up." I said, I got up from my seat and went for the bar. a little bit of the drink was still there, I didn't really know its name so I just showed the bartender the drink and he nodded. I got two full glass of it and weaved my way through back to the VIP.

I almost dropped my glass when I saw the half naked woman dancing about inside the VIP area. fucking Mats let them in, I just knew it.

"Come on Marco." Mats beckoned for me, he was sitting with the blonde and her friend. "Her names Jessica." He pointed at her.


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