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I was happy.


I was more than happy.. I was contented, estactic, elated, joyus etc. nothing was able to ruin my feelings at the moment. nothing, not keith, not Adisa's parents, not even felix the man that thought he was going to marry her. It was a feeling that I was not used to.

i've been with a lot of girls, yeah no surprise. some were very special and some weren't. I knew what they meant to me and how long we'd lasy. Adisa, she meant a ton more, which didn't seem realistically possible considering how long we've known eachother but word to Selena Gomez, The heart wants what it wants. And my heart was set on Adisa and only her.

you might ask, how was I going to keep up with her while I was due back in Germany in just a few weeks time. I didn't want to think about that. I was going to cross that bridge once I reached it. At the moment all i wanted to do was spend as much time with her and explore what's left of Uganda.

Adisa and I, we ended up spending a long amount of time out. I felt like a teenager again sneaking back to my hotel. I walked her back home before making my own route towards the Serena Hotel. The lobby was derserted and only the night shift workers were seen cleaning and mopping the floors. I pulled out my keys and went into the elevator taking me up to my floor.

god, I hoped Keith didn't give me an earful tomorrow morning. He was going to go on and on about Adisa and I hoped I would be able to bite my tongue and just ignore him rather than retaliate. It wasn't in my nature to talk back and argue with someone but when it's about something or someone that mean something to me then I wouldn't just let someone mouth them and let it go unsaid.

"and where were you?" the low voice of keith appeared as soon as I stepped through the doors of my room. my room was well lit and my television was on.

"Keith, I didn't know you'd be in here." I shut the door from behind me.

"It's 3:43 am, Marco, 3 in the morning, where have you been."

"I was out." I walked past him slipping my shoes off my feet.

"yeah, out with-" He paused "with that girl"

"yeah and?"

"And what will people think when pictures of you walking around with someone of her kind reaches back in Germany?"

"I'm sorry what? her kind? is this 1940 or 2015?" I asked. my blood was boiling under my skin, why would he put in her another category.

"is she a human or not, that you have to call her, her kind? I didn't realize that there was a different species that's different from Human." I continued. "I didn't realize that you were that type of person that's prejuice against someone because of the color of their skin or where they come from. All humans are the same, and if you can't realize that then I feel sorry for you."

"Marco." he sighed. "I didn't mean it like that."

"That's the problem Keith, you did. stop trying to deny something you've clearly stated. I know what you are thinking and I disagree with your entire views. you are no better than anybody here, you are not superior to anybody here. you are equal, all humans were born equal and truth is, I like Adisa, very much and if you have a problem with us being together than I think I have a problem with you being my agent. I don't want a racist around my relationship." I was now beyond boiled. there was no excuse for a grown man to racially abuse Adisa or anyone at that matter. It was uncalled for and unnecessary.


"no, I think you should just leave." I pointed to the door. He needed to get out before I said or did something that I might. Just might, regret later.

He sighed looking at me, shaking his head and walking towards the door. He was not going to disrespect Adisa right In front of me. My fist was just about to collide with his face if he'd stayed longer.


Race // marco reusWhere stories live. Discover now