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the sunshine flashed across my face. I had my arms wrapped around Adisa tightly, I unwrapped my arms and sat up. last night was crazy, it wasn't like we got drunk or anything, we just had a wild time. Pierre and Akita ended up surprisingly leaving together, leaving Adisa and I, a room to ourselves. Nothing was done of course, just talking and few kisses here and there. I knew she wasn't ready for that big step yet, I don't blame her. I was willing to wait for however long she wanted to keep me waiting.

I went down inside the bathroom to freshen myself up. I knew the hotel always kept extra toothbrushes and soaps and all that under the sink so Adisa would have to use that.

After I showered I brushed my teeth and fixed up my hair. I wrapped the towel tight around my waist before walking back inside the room. Adisa was up and sitting on the bed.

"good morning Adisa." I said to her.

"good morning. you are not changing in front of me if that what you think will happen." She shook her head which cause me to chuckle.

"It's ok to admit that you want me to." I grinned.

I knew she was going to freak out for what I was about to do which made it all so much fun. with my towel still tight around my waist, I went over to the bed and pinned her down, laying my entire body on top of her.

"marcooo" she whined. "Get off. You're naked."

"I have a towel on." I said with cheek.

"But still."

"give me a kiss first then I'll get off of you." I smirked.

"ew I just woke up, my mouth is disgusting."

"There's a spare toothbrush in the bathroom for you , unless you really like me that much that you want to share a toothbrush." I teased her.

"I'll take the spare." She said. "now off."

I did as she said and got off of her moving to the other side of the bed. I watched her get off the bed and walk for the bathroom.

I waited a few seconds after I heard the showers turn on before saying "oops I forgot something in there I'm coming in."

"Marco stop." She screamed. "I'm in the shower."

she was so much fun to mess with. I laughed as I searched my luggage for some shorts for myself and sweatpants and a t-shirt for her."


We laid on my bed with the tv on. neither of us really watching it. we were more interested in playing with one another's hands. I watched as Adisa traced my tattoos on my arm with her finger. each touch left trails of sparks. I was getting tense and hormonal.

"why'd you get so many tattoos?" she asked.

"they all mean something to me."

"The biggest adventure you can take is to live your dreams" she read.

"It's a quote by Oprah always there to encourage me to live my dreams." I explained. "I kind of love Oprah."

"no kidding." She chuckled.

"did Pierre and Akita really hook up? I haven't heard from Pierre all day, no text nothing." I laughed. our two best friends together. what are the odds.

"I don't know." she laughed. "probably."

we laughed together until our sides hurt at the thought of our two closest friends getting it on just hours after they met. maybe they could get a relationship out of this.


I was with Pierre later that night, Adisa and Akita returned home about an hour ago and we stayed in my room to just chill and play more FIFA while it was my turn to hassle him on questions about Akita. I was happy he was also enjoying himself.

"you know these Ugandan girls are some of the best I've ever seen in my life." Pierre said.

I looked at him and laughed. "You know what Jerome Boateng said to me the other week when I told him about Adisa?"

"what did he say?"

"He said once you go black you never go back." I chuckled.

"Boateng is foolish."

"When does you flight leave tomorrow?" I asked.

"12 pm" he answered.

"I'm having a going away party next week. Next weeks my last week here." I said sadly.

I was going to miss Uganda. It turned into my home away from home. I was going to miss everything about Uganda, the warm weather, the people, the food and most importantly Adisa. I was going to miss her dearly.

"have you and Adisa talked about what will happen after you leave?"

"yeah, we'll try long distance and try to see each other at least twice a year, whether that's flying her out to Germany or coming back to Uganda." I answered. we indeed tried to plan out our relationship to its best.


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