Chapter 26

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Liam's POV

Samantha look at me with confusion and fear in her eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

"Who are you and why are you hugging?" She replied. My heart sank. She doesn't remember me. I looked into her eyes. Tears beginning to fill in my own eyes.

"I'm Liam. I'm your brother." I said. She looked at me like I was craziest man alive.

"What are you talking about?" She paused. "Is this some kind of sick joke? Are you trying to mess with me?" She asked, a little annoyed.

"No of course not! I would never do that." I exclaimed. "Here I even have proof." I tried explaining.

"No I don't want any pictures." She paused. "All I want is my parents to come pick me up and take me home." She said.

That's when I lost it. I began to cry. Zayn came over to me and comforted me while Louis went and talked to Samantha. He looked back at me asking for permission. Even though he didn't need it, I still gave it to him.

"Samantha love, your parents died in a car accident a while ago." He bluntly said. I looked at Samantha. She had anger in her eyes.

"Your lying! Why would I trust you!? I don't even know who you are!" She yelled. Louis' face was full of hurt. It was heartbreaking hearing those words come out of her mouth. She doesn't even remember mum and dad's death.

Louis moved off her bed and over to a seat near the wall, too sad to say anything else. Zayn decided to give it a try. He walked over to her and calmly talked to her.

"Hello love," he paused, not wanting to hear her answer. "Do you remember me?" He asked. She was still really mad from Louis telling her something she didn't believe. She looked at him and crossed her arms.

"No I don't." She replied. Zayn sighed.

"Do you remember any of us?" He asked. She shook her head. Zayn gave up and took a seat next to Louis.

From all the screaming that came from Samantha, Niall finally began to wake up.

"Hey boys." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. We turned our attention from Samantha to Niall.

"How you feeling mate?" I asked.

"Okay I guess. They have me on a whole lot of medication for my pain so I'm pretty numb right now." He said.

"That's good. Do you know what injury's you have? The nurse didn't tell me yet." I questioned. He thought about it.

"I have a minor concussion, three broken ribs, and a broken arm." He said pointing to his green cast. He had a bandage wrapped around his head so I assumed he had gotten a cut too. He looked up at Samantha and he instantly dropped his head. I was about to ask him if he knew about Samantha's conditions when a nurse walked into the room.

"Hello boys, may I talk to you for a moment?" She asked, looking at Louis, Zayn, and I. We nodded our heads and followed her into the hallway.

"Have you talked to Samantha at all?" She asked. Neither Louis or I answered so Zayn did. I was happy he did because I didn't think I could have.

"Yeah we did and she can't remember any of us." He said.

"I see. Samantha is suffering from traumatic head trauma. Because she hit her head, it's causing her to not remember a lot of thing. Mostly the important things." She said. I asked the question nobody wanted to ask but it needed to be asked.

"Will she ever gain her memory back?" I asked. She looked down at her clip board. They were probably Samantha and Niall's charts.

"I am not 100% sure but there is a good possibility she will within a couple days or a couple weeks." She said. All three of us sighed in relief.

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