Chapter 8

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Samantha's POV

We are in the lobby as Liam went to the front desk and signed me out. I'm so happy to be getting out of here. I've spent too much time here as it is and I hate Hospitals. Ever since I was a little girl I didn't like them. My mum is...was a nurse so I'd have to come here sometimes when my dad was busy. Liam and I would go into the daycare part of the hospital until she finished her shifts. I don't remember hating the daycare part because I seemed to get along with the other kids who were there because of their parents work schedules. I don't remember any of them now but I wish I could because it would be nice to see where their lives are now. A were standing here I can feel myself start to get really dizzy I need to sit down. I guess Harry noticed because he spoke up.

"Samantha are you okay?" Harry asked. By now everyone was looking at me. I began to see black spots starting to appear in my vision but I blinked which made them disappear. I nodded my head to answer his question.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need to sit down." I told him. He walked over to me and guided me to the closest chair. I took a deep breath and relaxed myself.

"I'll go get you some water." He relied. He walked away before I could say anything so I put my head back on the chair. The rest of the boys crowded around me and Niall sat in the chair next to me.

Niall's POV

I can't help but feel jealous of Harry when he was making sure Samantha's okay. I want to be the one to make sure she's okay. She should want me to be the one who takes care of her, not Harry. I shook my head to clear my thought. What am I even talking about. Its not like Samantha's mine; I don't own her. After Harry left to get her something, I walked over to her and sat next to her. I told her she can put her head on my shoulder because it would be a lot more comfortable than resting it on the chair. She took my up on my offer and made herself comfortable. It feels good to have her close to me. It might not be a big deal for her but it feel entirely different to me.

Harry and Liam both joined us after so Samantha lifted her head. She took some water from Harry and slowly stood up. When we got to the van, Samantha came to sit by me. I don't know if it was her own choice or its just how the seating arrangement worked out but I like it. We were in the car for a while and I noticed her drifting off. She slowly inched her way to her left side and landed on Zayn's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind but I did. Why couldn't she fall asleep on me instead?

"I don't want people knowing about Samantha if they don't have to." Liam spoke up, snapping me from my thoughts. We all looked at him with confused faces.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. "She's your sister, people are going to find out about her soon." Liam sighed and looked out of the window.

"At this rate, Samantha would be in too much danger. Physically and mentally. We just got here and she's already in the god damn hospital." He huffed. I know he's right but he doesn't have to be so protective of her. She's an adult and she can make her own decisions. I understand that yesterday and today weren't idea but this was just a freak accident. I know we'll get more security so he wont have to worry.

"So your not going to let her leave the flat?" I asked, a little too harsh.

"No that's not what I mean. What I mean is if we try to keep her out of the spotlight then she is more likely to not hurt. I'm just concerned about her and I don't want anything else to happen to her. She's the only family I have left and I cant loose her." He mumbled. My voiced softened and I feel bad for talking to him like that. The rest of the drive back to the house was quiet. We finally pulled up to the house. We were lucky enough to make it back before Samantha woke up and I kind of hope she didn't hear our conversation. Everyone got out of the van, me and Samantha being last. I carried her inside as she is still sleep.

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