YGMHP~Chapter 6-Crazy Divination Teachers

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Chapter 6

James discovered that being Head Boy involved holding meetings with the prefects of the school; he also discovered that these meetings were mind-numbingly boring. Of course, he'd known this all along but actually partaking in one somehow overthrew his expectations of it being just 'plain boring' to 'incredibly boring' and 'for the love of Merlin, please, someone wet them selves to amuse me.'

"…and we both apologize," Lily told the prefects sitting before them in the empty classroom. She nudged James with her elbow, making him awake from his absent-mindedness and nod in agreement, though really he had no idea what she was on about. "I know we should have had this meeting yesterday but, er, there were certain, shall we say, complications, and we only just arrived last night-"

"'Cause you were doing it?" a Hufflepuff cut in.

Lily's fake smile of friendliness fell into a straight line. "Er… haha!" She laughed with gusto, thinking she had misheard. "I beg your pardon?" she asked politely.

"Because you were doing it," another prefect helped out. Lily remained blank until the boy did a handful of pelvic thrusts to elaborate, which she instantly stopped by putting up her hand. She couldn't understand why the professors had picked such students as prefects with such obsessions with libido!

"If you're referring to sex," she gritted through her teeth, "then no. We were unlucky to miss the train-"

"'Cause you were doing it-"

"There was no fornication involved!" shrieked Lily, making the prefects wince at what they thought was an impossible pitch to reach. Some had even scraped back their chairs because of the noise that had come out of the Head Girl's mouth. "And if you make one more pelvic thrust you'll lose a lower necessity that is needed for libido!" she glared at the boy who was half way in between the thrust, wondering why she kept oddly referring to intercourse as 'libido'.

"Tell them we weren't doing 'it'," Lily hissed to James.

He awoke from his daydreaming and quickly straightened in his chair under Lily's glower. "I, er…agree?" he spoke uncertainly, not hearing the enquiry.

Gasps and much cocky speaking of, "I told you so!" were made by the prefects.

A tired shake of the head made by Lily accompanied by a look which said 'you stupid prat' made James suppose that his answer did not best please her. "Can you repeat the question?" he asked.

"Drifting away from the subject of relations," Lily tried to steer everyone's minds, "Professor McGonagall said it would be best to discuss your duties and what we,-as Head Girl and Boy, promise to do this year…"

James instantly switched off again. Did the prefects really need reminding of how much they could boss around the younger students and—woop-de-bloody-do; they had access to the prefect bathrooms.

Wait a second, James thought. As he was now Head Boy, he also has access of the prefects' bathroom! He would now be able to experience those football-sized pink and blue bubbles and the purple clouded ones he had heard so much about from Remus!

"YES!" James stood up and punched the air. He instantly froze, realizing he had just interrupted whatever Lily was talking about and now everyone was staring at him in silence.

"Is there something you would like to discuss?" Lily asked in a sort of annoyed growl.

"No dear."

"Then sit down and hush," she ordered, with an added finger to her lips.

"Yes dear."

A few prefects snickered and James instantly felt his Gryffindor pride losing him. "I mean, you can't tell me what to do… woman!" He pointed a somewhat threatening finger at her and the prefects watched for a reaction.

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