Chapter 20-PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!!!!

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Chapter 20-PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!!!!

"What do you think you were doing? The corridor and my classroom are not playgrounds for your amusement!"

Sirius sniffed out the last bubbles of foam that were stuffed up his nose, once, twice, and three times, before focusing his attention on the professor, thoroughly resembling a sneezing cat. "I'm sorry, what?"

McGonagall sat behind the desk of her office, trying to bulge and twitch one eye in a sort of menacing way to terrify him. But this only led to her cursing as she removed her glasses, wiping the corners of eye that foam had somehow gotten into.

"Professor," Lily began, raising a hand politely, "I really don't understand why I have to be present here. I was not involved with Sirius and his prank."

McGonagall made another curse of, 'For Merlin's sake...' as she tried to fix the hair in her bun tidily as the suds had seemed to give her a frizzy afro.

"Miss Evans, I do believe I caught you in the middle of trying to blind Black here with lather." Lily reddened and glared significantly at Sirius. "That was unacceptable behaviour, but do not worry, I will be seeing others later for taking part in the - what was it you called it, Black? 'Foam fight'?" she quoted disapprovingly.

"Minerva! Do not flatter me so!" Sirius laughed. This was not a wise move as his lathery hand left a wet hand print on an apparently important piece of parchment, guessing from McGonagall's wince as she snatched the document away and tapped it dry with her wand.

Just as the professor was about to launch into another speech of gnashing teeth, the sound of scratching made her flinch.

"Lupin, what is the matter with you?" she asked impatiently.

Remus sat uncomfortably in between Sirius and Lily with a reddening face, scratching feverishly at his arms, face, elbows...any limbs that were available to scratch in front of a teacher, or human being.

"Sorry, professor," Remus apologized embarrassingly. "I think I'm allergic to the foam..."

Sirius snorted. "You're allergic to everything, Moony!"

"Including you," Remus gritted through his teeth.

McGonagall looked back and forth between the two, gawking as they continued to have a private conversation without her consent.

"What are you saying, Moony?" Sirius pouted. "That I give you rashes?"

"If you hadn't bit my neck I wouldn't have worn that stupid scarf and gotten the neck rash," Remus reminded him, self-consciously rubbing at his skin.

"Oh, that," Sirius said, forgetting that ridiculous incident long ago, "How's that love bite, then? You have spread around that it was that suh-hexy Hufflepuff that gave you it, right?"

Lily gawked in confusion. "Did you just say sexy with an 'h'?" she asked, leaning over Remus.

Sirius ignored her and thrust a soapy hand in her face. "C'mon Moony, let me see it then, see if it the love bite's gone down or not."

Remus looked at him in disbelief, glancing at McGonagall out of the corner of his eye who seemed to be shaking in anger, foam bubbles protruding off her into the air.

"Sirius, I don't really think this is the time, nor the pla—aaargh!"

Sirius grabbed Remus' neck, examining it closely - the problem was Sirius was kind of twisting his neck in an unnatural position, causing Remus an inordinate amount of pain.

"Yep, just as I thought," Sirius said in a doctor-like examination voice. "It's fading, Moony. If you want, I can renew it for you-"

"Will you two save it for the bedroom?" Lily cut in.

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