Chapter 13-A Cairrage, Hippo and Top Hats?

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I know i dont normally do this at the starting.... BUT, YOU WILL ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 13-A Cairrage, Hippo and Top Hats?

"First I was afraid, I was stupefied!"

"Sirius, please. Not the singing-"

"Kept thinking I could blah blah blah dah-nah dahnanana...

But then I spent so many nights blah blah blah doodoodoo...

Dah-na nah...strong! And I learned blah blah...along!


OH, as long as I know how to SNOG, I KNOW I'LL STAY ALIVE!

I've got all my tongue to give,

I'll use it as long as I live,


"Oh for the love of Merlin, SHUT UP!" Lily screamed, opening her eyes and discovering a dark roof over her, and in her surroundings, an odd sound of travelling in some sort of mode of transport. "Where am I?"

Vaguely, she remembered being knocked out by some large invisible weight. She expected to be in the Hospital wing right about now, definitely not in the seats of an unknown enclosed space. She was about to lift her head from the comfy pillow which she assumed was a cushion of some sort, until she realised it was actually a lap, or to be more specific; the crotch of James Potter.

"Who's bloody singing?" James snapped, finally awakening from his unconscious state. His eyes widened when he discovered Lily's head placed delicately in his...groin-oh dear, he had to stop those teenage hormones before he made himself out as an even more embarrassing, perverted arse.

"Hullo," he greeted her, trying to control his male anatomy before it flung Lily's head a fair distance.

"Hi..." She blushed furiously. She quickly lifted her head whilst trying to get in to a sitting position opposite him. "Am I some sort of victim of a date rape?"

"I don't think so," James shook his head, "I don't remember any alcohol... Where are we?"

Their head's turned around confusedly as they focused on where exactly they were situated. They were sitting on the seats of what appeared to be a carriage which was plodding along slowly to Hogsmeade, passing the Quidditch pitch.

"Isn't this one of the carriages that takes us up to the castle at the beginning of the year?" Lily asked.

"I think you may be right," replied James. He and Lily moved their heads in unison to pop outside the window of the side of the carriage, unfortunately colliding heads in the process.

"Ooow," James rubbed his head through his peculiar tea cosy hat.

"You'd think with a hat like that your head would be protected from pain," Lily stated. "Is your head made of concrete or something?" James cringed, knowing Lily's painful bump was probably due to his rock solid Snape hair.

"You look first," James offered, holding on to his head as he backed up for Lily to look outside the window.

"No, you go," she replied modestly.

"No, you."

"Go, I insist."

"I insist more."

"One of you bloody go!" A voice was heard from outside.

James and Lily exchanged a disturbed look.

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