Chapter 7-The Peenapul Sisters

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Chapter 7-The Peenapul Sisters

"Who's gonna break it to him?"

"I'm not. He's already pissed off at me."

"Well, at least wake him up."

The James Potter duplicates were currently standing over the real James Potter's bed, on a Monday morning, watching James drool as he snored. They had some bad news to inform him.

Sirius grabbed a mug from bedside table and quickly threw it over James' head.

"AAARGH!" he screamed, sitting up instantly and clutching at his face that he felt was melting.

"That was my hot coffee," Remus pointed out.

Sirius cringed. "Woops..."

"Oh, so much pain," James moaned. Using his wand, he conjured up a bag of peas and pressed them to his cheeks.

"We have a problem, Prongs." Sirius said nervously.

"You better put some glasses on," Remus advised him.

"Wha…?" James replied groggily. Blinking and rubbing his eyes, he grabbed for his glasses and put them on to view his friends. "Hey guys," he greeted, and then finally realised the scene before him. "What the hell!"

He looked at the front of his bed where three James Potters were standing over him wearing grim expressions. "Wait a minute, one...two…three...four," he pointed to each boy in turn, including himself. "One...two...three...four?" he counted confusedly. The James Potter mimics stared on blankly. "One...two-"

"Yes, Prongs, there are four James Potter's in this room."

"Right-o," James replied with uncertainty. "Unless this is some freaky out of body experience...I don't think there should be this many James' here."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Shut up, Moony," James snapped.

"I'm Sirius." He waved a hand.

"Sorry," James apologized, looking very bewildered as he gazed at the many boys with messy hair. "What on earth is going on? There should only bethree James' here."

"Actually, there should only be one James here."

"Shut it, Sirius!"

"I'm Remus," he sighed tiredly.

"Sorry," James apologized again. "For Christ's sake, you need name tags! Arghh..." He breathed out to try and calm himself. It didn't work. "Right. Moony, raise your hand," he commanded.

The middle James Potter put up a palm whilst rolling his eyes.

"Okay. Padfoot, raise your hand," James ordered next.

The James Potter on the left raised two hands, just to outdo Remus, and completed the hand-raising with a bow and cheesy wink.

"I said raise a hand, Sirius, not do a trashy commercial."

Sirius stuck his tongue out in response.

"So, if you're Moony, and you're Padfoot," James concluded, looking at the left and middle multiples of him. "Then who the hell are you?" He directed the question to the right James Potter who was looking a little on edge.

"Um...It's Peter."

"Wormtail!" James yelled. "How did you turn into me?"

"Um..." Peter looked down at his feet. "You see, I uh, took the Polyjuice potion."

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