Chapter 22

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Chapter 22- Who's Seducing Snape?!?!?!?!?!

"I'm sorry," he apologized, standing to his feet. "I really need to go to the bathroom."

He was about to make a hand gesture of pointing down to his crotch but Lily stopped him with a pleading look of understanding.

"I won't be long," he murmured, licking his upper and lower lip. She grimaced at the so-called look of seductiveness. "Then maybe we can take a little trip to the broom closet, eh?"

Lily inwardly groaned. "Maybe," she replied weakly with a bogus smile.

The second Derrick exited the library doors, leaving Lily alone in a secluded corner of book shelves; she breathed a sigh of relief being out of the boy's company and muttered the bitter words of, "Maybe not," to complete Derrick's invitation.

"What have I done?" Lily murmured to herself, running a hand through her hair.

She had made the right decision, hasn't she?


That's why she wanted to claw out her hair and use it to gag herself whenever Derrick got in a five mile radius of her.

Yes... No—no, she was fine! Absolutely fine!

"Or not," she mumbled, dropping a book on Unforgivable Curses from her hands that had subconsciously picked the reading material up.

So maybe she wasn't as fine as she thought.

"You dropped your book there," a voice softly said next to her.

Lily jumped out of her skin and cursed to herself that Derrick was short on bathroom breaks.

"Oh," she said in surprise, focusing on Remus and Peter before her. "It's just you two," she acknowledged and made a silent, "Thank goodness," to herself.

Lily flinched at the sound of chewing and frowned at Peter who appeared to be eating...marshmallows?

"Pettigrew, why are you eating marshmallows?"

Peter stopped in mid-chew, which was unfortunately bad news to Lily as his mouth was wide open and she could see the mushy pink and whiteness of the deceased fluffiness.

"Peter, don't eat them all, or Sirius will have your head," Remus hissed, turning red as Lily chuckled.

Peter nodded obediently. "Uhuh," he mumbled, about to spit out the pulp of chewed marshmallow on to the library floor.

"No! Don't spit that one out!" Remus cried.

"Uhuh," Peter mumbled again, unsure what to do with the soft mush sitting on his spread out tongue.

"Just eat it, Wormtail. Eat it," Remus said, massaging the bridge of his nose as he sighed tiredly.

As Peter chewing happily on his marshmallow, he picked up the book that Lily had dropped earlier and eyed her warily as he read the cover.

"Merely knocked it over by accident," Lily said, grabbing the book from his hand and stuffing it back on the bookshelf.

Remus crossed his arms sceptically. "You looked a little relieved to see us. Who were you expecting, your boyfriend?"

Lily felt her mouth go dry and she took a seat uncomfortably on one of the library chairs. "James told you, then."

"Sirius got it out of him," Remus explained, "After he'd locked us out of the dormitory for two hours after completely destroying it, half naked, and gotten through at least five tubs of vanilla ice cream."

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