Chapter 1- Stuck in a Broom Cupboard with Guess Who Outside!

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  • Dedicated to Procrastinator-starting2moro... The real author behind it all...

Another HP fic... :D But this one is a Lily and James one... Its just basically randomness from my increadibly sugar-high mind.... I do hope you like! Btw, a word of warning- I warn you of incoming randomness, and please do not eat food or sip any drink whilst reading this story. Many readers are planning to already sue me for getting their faces melted with coffee or choking on popcorn. Any out-of-character Marauders and somewhat stereotypical personas is purely for comedic effect (at least, that's my excuse)... Well... Read on my fellow Writers and Readers!


Chapter 1- Stuck in a Broom Cupboard with Guess Who Outside!

"I'm bored," complained Sirius. "I want to do something."

"And I want a million galleons," James retorted. "But we can't have everything now, can we."

The Marauders-Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs-had somehow manoeuvred themselves into the space of the broom closet.

None of them were gymnasts or skilled in the art of flexibility, no matter how much Sirius protested he'd gotten into some very dirty and supple moves with a sexy Hufflepuff under one of the Great hall tables at breakfast.

"Ughh," Remus uttered with distaste. "Did any of you have a bath?" he asked, trying to block his nose with the odd position of his arm that was bent in such an unnatural way.

The four sixth year boys had cramped themselves in one of Hogwarts number one snogging spots, something they would most certainly not share with anyone, ever. Of course, it would probably emotionally scar them for the rest of their lives, and maybe physically too with each others unusually sharp and pointy limbs. The boys were in very close approximates of each other. Much too close.

"Peter, your knee is getting dangerously near my groin area," Remus said uncomfortably. "I suggest you move it."

"Better do what the man says, Wormtail, or Moony might unleash his inner werewolf on you," Sirius warned him, fidgeting as he tried making himself in a more comfortable position - or in fact, some sort of position of cosiness free of pain. Peter mumbled an apology to Remus, and then tried redirecting his leg to another position.

"Merlin, Wormtail! Now your leg is practically riding up my arse!"

"Shhh!" James glared at his friends who were being, in his opinion, totally selfish. He turned his gaze back on the gap of the door where he was spying for a particular someone outside it.

"James, was it really necessary for us to join you on this... er, observation?" Remus couldn't find a right word to explain what on earth he was doing.

James squinted as he eyed the gap. "Yes. I needed the company."

"Well, if you need the company then why won't you let us ta-?"

"Ssshh, Wormtail," James hushed him.

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