
5.8K 184 27

411. At least clean up the bathroom before taking your profile picture.

412. The Internet is making us all smarter and stupider at the same time.

413. If you ever get caught sleeping on the job… slowly raise your head and say “in Jesus name amen”

414. The part of “no” that I don’t understand is the part where I don’t get what I want.

415. I wish I could illegally download clothes.

416. Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?

417. Some old people are driving vehicles right now and don’t even know it.

418. If you give a girl your hoodie, don’t expect to get it back.

419. Friends don’t let friends tYp3 LyK tHi5.

420. Parents: Your room is a mess. Me: You should see my life.

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