
3.8K 135 12

801. Right now I feel like that one fry that somehow ends up in the onion rings.

802. Don't try to understand women...women understand women and they hate each other.

803. Remember when That's So Raven, Hannah Montana, and the Suite Life of Zack and Cody did a mashup episode and it was the best day of your life.

804. I'm awkward when people compliment me. "Nice hair" "Thanks, I grew it myself"

805. YouTube = Commercials load within seconds.

Videos, sometimes twenty minutes if you're lucky.

806. I always wonder what kind of food people are talking about when they say "I need some brain food." Then I start realizing that we may be closer to having a zombie apocalypse than I thought.

807. Is it weird that I stop to pick change up from the ground but I never hesitate to vacuum it up?

808. "Too much milk left need more cereal" always leads to "too much cereal need more milk"

809. I'm more of a "the glass is half shattered into a million tiny pieces" person.

810. A plus side to being my friend is that you can come to my house in your pajamas and I won't judge you because I too will be in my pajamas.

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